Vote for Lysosome

Jimmy Kim
2 min readSep 6, 2015


  • Vice President

I am the Lysosome and I am running for Vice President. I am the vesicle that holds a variety of different talents called enzymes. I can digest incoming molecules, invading particles and take care of problem molecules.

I am surrounded by a membrane that holds my enzymes in so I can use it when it is needed. I can handle any problem whether it is bad proteins, lipids, wastes or carbohydrates. In addition, I also have hydrochloric acids to help me digest my materials.

I can take care of any mess within the cell and without me, the cell would die. Also, I know when the cell is old and needs to be replaced and assist in apoptosis (“cell suicide”), an essential role that only I can perform. Without me, a cell can eventually cause problems to the entire body if I’m not there to clean up the mess.

If you elect me, I will make sure the food molecules are processed and the waste particles are eliminated to ensure the life of the cell. I am the best candidate for Vice President because I am the problem solver.

When there is an issue with the other organelles or when the subunits of the food and wastes needs to be taken care of, I will take care of it. I already hold the important task of taking care of the cell and keeping it alive when it is needed and quintessential duty of eliminating the cell when it needs to be sacrificed for the greater good.

I am the best candidate for Vice President.

