47 Meters Down Uncaged (2019) Movie Review

Jim Pagiamtzis
1 min readAug 19, 2019


Jim Pagiamtzis review

This has a interesting cast, he daughters of Sylvester Stallone and Jamie Foxx take part Sistene Rose Stallone and Corinne Fox take part in this cat and mouse adventure through caves and ancient ruins.

The actions gets going in the middle frame and moves quickly all the way to the climatic end. These sharks act a little differently therefore making it and awesome movie to watch understand the science.

7 out 10 stars

Movie plot

Four teenage divers discover that the sunken ruins of a Mayan city are also a hunting ground for deadly great white sharks. With their air supply steadily dwindling, the frightened girls must navigate the underwater labyrinth of claustrophobic caves and eerie tunnels in search of a way out of their watery hell.



Jim Pagiamtzis

Speaker, Author, Trainer and Writer since 2008. Writer of movies reviews, books, music and events all over Toronto. Enjoys cycling the streets of Toronto!