My Most Unfairly-Rejected McSweeney’s Humor Pieces of All Time

J.P. Melkus
The Clap
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2018
  • Attention, Fasciated Plantars!
  • Goofus, Gallant, Roshambo
  • Mickey Mouse Club Opium-Den Roll Call
  • Open Letter: Dear Mr. McSweeney, Just Letting You Know I Found a Typo in My Last Submission a Few Weeks Back. I Fixed It. Here It Is Again, Just in Case That Was the Reason I Hadn’t Heard Back Yet. No Worries Either Way. Thanks for Reading. Love Your Work. It Would Be a Real Honor to Appear in Your Publication. Probably Going Long Now. Sorry. Thanks. (P.S. Keep Up the Good Work!)
  • I Know You Say You’re Not The Onion, But…
  • An Elegy for Word Limits, Part Two
  • What I Imagine My Dog is Thinking in These Circumstances
  • Open Letter: Hey, McSweeney’s, It’s Me, Just Following Up on My Submission of Six Months Ago. I’m Sure You’re Busy. I’ll Wait.
  • Top Ten Reasons I am Not a Bitter Person
  • Wocka Wocka, the Musical!
  • Gout is No Picnic, Let Me Tell You
  • Vance MacPherson, Special Agent Detective for the Stars
  • Open Letter: McSweeney’s, Hey Guys (& Gals), I Realize Now My Last Submission Was a Little Long (3,200 Words) But Hopefully You Read the Whole Thing. It Gets Really Good at the End. Just Letting You Know I Can Cut it Down if That Would Help. (Also, I Now Know Mr. McSweeney is Not, Like, a Real Guy Who Reads the Submissions, So Hopefully My Last Open Letter Made It to the Right Desk. Sorry!)
  • Inside Joke: A Lengthy Fleshing Out
  • That Time We Partied
  • Consider the Prawn
  • Open Letter: To Whom It May Concern at McSweeney’s: ANSWER ME!
  • List: What If Buzzfeed Did the Ten Commandments? I Think It Would Go… a Little Something… Like This
  • 2006 Funny Thing
  • Knock Knock Jokes, but for Millennials, So, With Ring® Video Doorbells
  • Also Sprach Zarathustra, as Read by Kellyanne Conway (Or, Daily Press Briefing by New Trump Press Secretary, Friederich Nietzsche)
  • Prince Harry’s Honeymoon E-Mail Out-of-Office Auto-Reply
  • List: Forty Topical Puns
This is all shit! Wait, this might be good. (Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash)
  • Find & Replace: Bush with Trump
  • List: Submissions to McSweeney’s I Would Now Like to Officially Withdrawn in Light of #metoo. 2009 Was a Long Time Ago. I Have Grown as a Person.
  • Open Letter: McSweeney’s Website Editor, Christopher Monks, Just Tell Me What I Have to Do! I NEED THIS!!
  • What Your Desperate Need for Approval by Anonymous But Universally-Accepted Arbiters of “Smart” Humor Says About You
  • Open Letter: McSweeney’s, Hey, I Got the Rejection E-Mail. No Worries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll Try Again!!!
  • Last but not least…



J.P. Melkus
The Clap

It's been a real leisure. [That picture is not me.--ed.]