Jordan Peterson; Savage Messiah

Jim Proser
3 min readJan 13, 2020


There has never been, nor will there ever be, a more savage cry for the freedom of mankind than that given by Dr. Jordan Peterson in the open air on the University of Toronto campus on October 11, 2016. It may be the first videotaped account of a messianic possession of a human being ever recorded. It is available on YouTube — read on.

In Peterson’s sermon, you may agree that like the prophet Jeremiah who warned the wicked of Jerusalem, “Cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant!!”, Peterson condemns all non-believers who had turned against the word of God. By the word of God, I mean an echo of the very same that went out across the waters at the beginning of time and formed order out of chaos. Yet, Jordan Peterson is secular. He doubts even that he has the personal integrity to believe in God. But here, I humbly submit, we have proof as the author Dennis Prager has written, “…that God believes in Jordan.”

In the chilled, winter air, Peterson shook with holy fire as he bellowed at the university students surrounding him, his index finger a dagger stabbing toward the deaf earth, “Alright! So there’s a reason I’m defending free speech and the reason for that is quite straight-forward! The reason I’m defending freedom of speech is because that’s how people of different opinions in a civil society settle their differences!”

The veins stood out on his neck as he continued to shout and pace, “Now! Here’s what’s happened with bill C-16 (government imposed speech codes for gender pronouns) and the surrounding legislation. Free speech is the mechanism by which we keep our society functioning. The consequence of free speech is the ability to speak so people can put their finger on problems, articulate what those problems are, solve them and come to a consensus! And we risk losing that!”

The rioting crowd was now silent, open-mouthed. “Now! You can say there should be reasonable restrictions on free speech. And that’s the case. You shouldn’t be allowed to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. And reasonable people can discuss and debate what those restrictions should be. But you can’t debate the fact that putting restrictions on free speech is something dangerous beyond comprehension. And that’s what we’re faced with. . . . It’s the first time in our legislative history that people are attempting to…,” and here Peterson lost all restraint, “….make us speak their language! Language that is designed to control our freedom of expression!

The gob-smacked students, shaken awake by his fury, applauded and cheered. He continued, citing his many friends and colleagues who had been criticizing him for what he’d said publicly against C-16. “No wonder,” he admitted, “I don’t speak perfectly. And my arguments aren’t perfectly formulated. And neither are anyone else’s.”

He turned and paced across the small plaza toward the crowd behind him, his voice rising again until it broke into a full bellow, his face contorted into a mask of rage. His body was fully tensed, fists clenched, directing all his power into his words, “And we have to say what we have to say badly! Or we won’t be able to think at all! And I know where that leads. I’ve studied totalitarianism for four decades and I know how that starts!

Indeed, professor Peterson does know exactly where totalitarianism leads. His life story is a tale of anguish, terror and temporary triumph over the evil impulses that turn a friendly German baker into a monster feeding the ovens of Auschwitz, that fill the gulags of Russia and killing fields of Asia with a hundred million corpses of the innocent. And he knows exactly where this totalitarianism starts. It starts with the evil impulses to compel propaganda and limit free speech. See the recording on YouTube at

Hear now, O Jerusalem, the words of Jordan Peterson, a savage messiah for the free world.

SAVAGE MESSIAH; How Jordan Peterson is Saving Western Civilization launches on January 21st, 2020. Pre-order now from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Goodreads.



Jim Proser

Bestselling and award-winning biographer of Gen. James Mattis, Dr. Jordan Peterson and other real life heroes.