Why Women are Batshit Crazy

Jim Proser
3 min readJan 17, 2020


If you’re a good looking woman, which you are from birth to around 45 in most cases, you’re casually hunted. If you’re a very good looking woman, you’re often stalked. If you’re extremely good looking, you can trust no one. No one. Inappropriate sexual advances march toward your breasts like army ants. Men become stuttering liars who offer everything and will sacrifice anything to be with you.

If you survive, at some point, at 16 and in your prime, or at 60 like Sophia Loren, your last fuckable day arrives, as Julia Louis Dreyfus and Amy Schumer have said. It is sudden, it is final, it is not subtle or kind or even thoughtful. You simply get the sex axe, the dong gong and you are suddenly marooned on a small island with no moonlit beaches. The adoring glances of the world turn away. They find a younger girl. She can be without talent, intellect, significant beauty or class, it really doesn’t matter. She is fruit ripe for plucking and men become ravenous, insane for her.

Some men will lose control completely and become overwhelmed with lust. Some will grovel, which may cause some women to projectile vomit into their purses. And some will simply strut about stiffly like… well, let’s say a palace guard. Some will even debase themselves to the level of try to become your best girlfriend. This is a documented courtship strategy called, oddly enough, the “Sneaky Fucker Strategy”. Scientists don’t mince words. The last fuckable day happens, of course, for men too but often it is more subtle, it can be extended with enough money and power and seems generally kinder. For women, this is particularly galling and crazy-making.

Yet, if you survive all of this and live somehow without unfairness blotting out the sun, you must then gather the bits of character and gumption you’ve inherited, learned or built over decades and march on. It is a thoroughly shitty deal for absolutely everyone. No exceptions.

So this is why many women appear to men as batshit crazy, because at some point they mostly are. Love comes and love goes. It just flows more strongly in both directions for women, sometimes knocking them off balance. Songs are sung, rose petals are strewn, champagne is uncorked and then, abruptly, the whole world moves on without even a shrug.

Now the fortunate mated men of these women enter the long difficult period of trying to anticipate what she might do, or like, or think about or act out, or withhold or anticipate or plan or decide. Some talented few notice the guide rails on their woman, the lines not to be crossed, the history to be forgotten. The unfortunate and damned, throw up their hands and mumble “batshit” into their whiskey.

Beautiful Sirens on the lonely rocks. How we love you, batshit though you may be, but how dangerous then to join you. Few of us have your intuition, your kindness and nurturing attention. We are oafs sometimes, embarrassed at our behavior. We tire and long for your comfort and relief, so at some point we sacrifice everything to try again. It has apparently gone on like this for quite some time. No one knows why, how it all started or how to end it.

SAVAGE MESSIAH; How Jordan Peterson is Saving Western Civilization is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Goodreads.



Jim Proser

Bestselling and award-winning biographer of Gen. James Mattis, Dr. Jordan Peterson and other real life heroes.