2 min readJun 3, 2024

That’s where JIMS Noida one of the best colleges in delhi/NCR, recognized as a top BAJMC (Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication) college, comes in. We go beyond the textbooks, equipping you with the skills to dominate the dynamic world of online communication.

Social Media Makes You a Promotion Rockstar

Social media isn’t just about likes and comments. It’s a powerful tool for reaching a massive audience, sparking engagement, and spreading information instantly. Here’s how JIMS Noida utilizes it:

Laser-Focused Promotion: We use social media platforms to directly target prospective students like you. We showcase the awesomeness of our BAJMC program, our expert faculty, and the vibrant campus life that awaits.

Content that Pops: Our social media feeds are bursting with engaging posts! We keep you informed about industry trends, celebrate student achievements, and announce exciting events. This fosters a real sense of community and sparks serious interest among potential applicants.

Building Relationships, One Tweet at a Time: We don’t just post — we actively engage with you on social media. We answer your questions, address concerns, and create a welcoming environment. This builds trust and solidifies JIMS Noida’s reputation as a leading BAJMC institution.

JIMS Noida: Going Beyond the Likes

Our BAJMC program doesn’t just teach you how to post. We dive deep into the world of social media promotion, equipping you with:

Social Media Strategy Like a Boss: Learn to develop winning social media campaigns, analyse data like a pro, and track results like a hawk. You’ll be able to create targeted and impactful promotions, guaranteed.

Content Creation that Captivates: We’ll sharpen your skills for crafting compelling content that resonates with specific audiences on different platforms. Get ready to become a social media content whiz!

Mastering the Social Media Analytics Game: JIMS Noida demystifies social media data. You’ll learn to understand audience behavior, optimize campaigns, and measure the success of your promotional efforts.

Ms. Richa Chandi, Assistant Professor