Exploring Java 17: The Latest LTS Release and Its Features

3 min readOct 10, 2023


Java, a stalwart in the world of programming languages, continues to evolve with each new release. Java 17, released in September 2021, marks the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) version in the Java ecosystem. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to explore Java 17, uncovering its key features, improvements, and why it matters to developers and enterprises.


The Significance of LTS Releases

Before diving into Java 17’s features, it’s crucial to understand the importance of Long-Term Support releases in the Java world. LTS versions, like Java 17, receive extended support from Oracle, which includes bug fixes, security updates, and performance enhancements for an extended period — typically eight years.

LTS releases are favored by enterprises for their stability and predictability, making them ideal for mission-critical applications that require long-term maintenance and support.

Java 17 Features and Improvements

Java 17 introduces a range of features and enhancements, building upon the foundations of previous versions. Let’s explore some of the most notable additions:

1. Sealed Classes

Java 17 introduces sealed classes and interfaces, a language feature that allows developers to control which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them. This helps enforce encapsulation and maintain code integrity, particularly in large codebases.

2. Pattern Matching (Preview Feature)

Pattern matching, introduced as a preview feature in Java 17, simplifies code by providing a concise way to conditionally destructure and match objects. It enhances readability and reduces boilerplate code when working with data structures.

3. Strong Encapsulation of Internal APIs

Java 17 strengthens the encapsulation of internal APIs, reducing the risk of accidental usage and ensuring that developers rely only on public APIs. This enhances security and improves the maintainability of code.

4. Foreign Function and Memory API (Incubator)

The Foreign Function and Memory API, while still in incubator status, allows Java developers to interact with native code and memory in a more controlled and efficient manner. It opens up opportunities for integration with native libraries and performance optimizations.

5. Deprecation of Applet API

Java 17 marks the official deprecation of the Applet API, signaling the end of applets as a technology. Applets, once popular for web-based Java applications, have been replaced by modern web technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript.

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6. Performance Improvements

Each Java release typically includes performance enhancements. Java 17 is no exception, with optimizations in various areas to boost execution speed and reduce memory consumption.

7. Security Updates

Security is a top priority for Java LTS releases. Java 17 addresses security vulnerabilities and ensures a secure runtime environment for applications.

8. Extended Support

As an LTS release, Java 17 will receive updates and support from Oracle until at least 2030, providing enterprises with a stable platform for their applications.

Why Java 17 Matters

Java 17 matters for several reasons:

1. Stability and Long-Term Support

Enterprises can rely on Java 17 for a stable and supported platform for critical applications. With extended support until 2030, it provides peace of mind for long-term projects.

2. Modern Language Features

Java 17 introduces modern language features like sealed classes and pattern matching, which enhance code quality, readability, and maintainability.

3. Security and Performance

Java 17 addresses security vulnerabilities and offers performance improvements, ensuring that applications remain secure and performant.

4. Migration Path

For developers working with older versions of Java, Java 17 provides a clear migration path to access new features and improvements.

5. Compatibility

Java’s commitment to backward compatibility means that existing Java applications can easily migrate to Java 17 with minimal code changes.

How to Get Java 17

To start using Java 17, you can download it from the official Oracle website, adopt OpenJDK distributions, or use package managers like SDKMAN! for easy installation. Additionally, many Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and build tools offer support for Java 17.


Java 17, as the latest LTS release, brings stability, modern features, and enhanced security to the Java ecosystem. It is a testament to the language’s enduring relevance and adaptability. Whether you’re an enterprise seeking a dependable platform for your applications or a developer looking to leverage new language features, Java 17 has much to offer. Its extended support and commitment to backward compatibility make it a valuable addition to the toolkit of any Java enthusiast or organization.

