Introduction To Java for Beginners

Jin Hyuk Park
1 min readJul 2, 2020


What is JAVA ?

Java is a popular programming language created by James Gosling in 1995. Java is mostly used for:

  • Mobile applications (Android).
  • Desktop applications.
  • Web applications.
  • Web servers and application servers.

Java Variables

The usage of variables in Java is same as in other programming languages. Basically, variables are containers for storing data values.


  • String: “Hello”
  • int: 111 or -111
  • float: 11.11 or -11.11
  • char: “a” or “A”
  • boolean: True or False

Declaring Variables

In order to create a variable in Java, the type must be specified before assigning a value to it.

Syntax) type variableName = value;

Ex) String fName = “James”;

Ex) int Age = 13;

Ex) boolean bool = true;

!!! Note: It will generate an error if the type specified does not match the value assigned.

!! Note: It is a better practice to use descriptive names when declaring variable. It will help other developers and yourself to understand it better.

Good Example:

Int currentYear = 2020;

Bad Example:

Int y = 2020;

