Essential Networking Connections for Real Estate Agents

Jin Linh
4 min readAug 1, 2017


A successful real estate career is based on strong connections. The basics of the job are relatively straightforward. As an agent, you rent, buy and sell properties for clients. Each step has an intricate process and involves key players from your business circle. As an agent, you are in charge of your own career and the perimeters of your success. Building meaningful connections is critical to the advancement of your career. Why not expand your reach with tactful real estate networking? Here are the top people that are essential to every real estate agent’s networking circle.

People in Mortgage

For most clients, purchasing a mortgage is a necessary step when buying a home. As a real estate agent, you may help clients with their mortgage as a provided service during the home buying process. Identify and stay connected with the important players in the mortgage business. Take time to develop mutually beneficial relationships with people who work in mortgages. Make your presence as a real estate agent known by staying connected with the local banks. Start local and then work your way out from there. Network with not only the bank, but the individual mortgage bankers as well.

Mortgage companies are another important connection to have. Cultivate relationships with the local mortgage companies and brokers to solidify your place in the real estate community.

Real Estate Investors

The real estate game is not limited to single time buyers or sellers. Real estate investment companies and real estate investors are important people to network with. It is important to link up with real estate investors because they can potentially become clients. Good relationships with real estate investors can build trust. Real estate investors need real estate agents they can rely on, so a good relationship with investors can translate into a steady flow of business, securing your position in the real estate game.

Real Estate Attorneys

Real estate transactions require detailed agreements that may need legal guidance. Buying and selling agreements may need to be drafted, reviewed and negotiated with the help of a real estate attorney. Other documents to close transactions also may require a legal presence. It is important to cultivate a relationship with a real estate attorney to have someone you trust to help you and your clients have a seamless transaction.

Fellow Real Estate Agents

Real estate is more than just helping clients, it’s growing as an agent to better your business. It is critical to network with your fellow agents. Go to real estate networking events to meet agents in your area. More importantly, watch how other agents are developing their business. Become a member of a local real estate group or associations. Make connections that will be prosperous to building your business. Attend local seminars to learn tips and tricks of the trade. All of these events, groups and seminars present the opportunity for you to solidify your dedication to the trade.

Your Community

Connecting with your local community is imperative. A relationship with your local community will do wonders for your business. Get out into the community. Take time to volunteer, sponsor local events and partner with local businesses to make your presence known. With your name and presence continually in the community, people will take notice. A familiar face will be trusted ten times over any other potential agent. This is a great way to grow relationships with possible clients and even get referrals. Become the go-to real estate agent for an entire community with just a few strategic moves.

Your Clients

As previously mentioned, relationships are key to a beneficial business. You should never think of clients as merely customers. Clients should be relationships that are nurtured. Client relationships can garner trust over time. One purchase or one sell should not be the end to a client relationship. It is important to make clients feel valuable. They do in fact keep your business running, so show them how important they are. Host events, send holiday cards and reach out to clients whenever you can. Through this continued effort, they will truly feel a part of your real estate family. Create an environment and maintain a relationship that clients will want to return to.

Networking may often seem like a cold term, but as we’ve seen, it’s much more than just an act. It is important to remember real estate networking is only successful when you focus on the art of maintaining and nurturing relationships. Once that is learned, you will start to see results. When your connections prosper, you prosper. As a real estate agent, you the only person in charge of your success. Keep these networking tips in mind and you will see your business flourish with time.

For a complete and must-have education of proper real estate networking, learn from the best at the Peak Real Estate Academy. Instructors with invaluable experience in the industry along with our unique curriculum and access to the Peak network ensure your success in the incredibly profitable world of real estate.

