Removing Super Glue from Your Skin and Clothing

Jin Linh
3 min readAug 24, 2018


If you’ve recently spilled super glue on your skin or clothing, you might be panicking about what to do next. The good news is, not all super glue spills are permanent. Discover new way to remove super glue from your skin or pieces of clothing with our informative guide full of super glue help for spills and accidents! Then, shop online at the Super Glue Corporation for all your super glue product needs.

Removing Super Glue from Your Skin

In cases where you’ve gotten super glue stuck to your skin, stay calm, because the glue will come off at some point. Our skin sheds in slow cycles, so the glue will eventually be removed along with the layer of skin it is attached to. While this isn’t ideal if the glue has gotten stuck to significant areas of your body such as your fingers or feet, rest assured and know that it will not be stuck permanently.

There are ways to remove the glue immediately, or at least a good part of it following a spill. The first method to try will only work on areas of your skin that are less sensitive, such as your fingertips or forearm. You can attempt to peel the glue away from your skin to remove it quickly. This method is most effective when the glue bond has only formed between one area of skin.

If the bond has formed between two fingers, causing them to attach to one another, do not attempt to peel off the glue. Attempt to peel back the layer of glue very slowly, even if it has formed to a less sensitive part of your skin. Try rolling the glue down your finger as opposed to pulling, as the pulling motion might irritate your skin further and even result in tearing of the flesh.

Always make sure that the glue you’re attempting to remove is fully dried, as wet glue will only result in more skin bonds. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before attempting to peel off any glue.

If the glue has formed too strong of a bond, or the area is too sensitive for the peeling approach, grab some form of acetone, whether in a pure form, or in household items such as nail polish remover. Start by soaking the skin in warm, soapy water to soften any glue bond that has formed. This will make it significantly easier to remove with any method you choose to employ. Then, use a clean finger to apply the acetone over the super glue. Do not use any form of cotton padding to apply the acetone, as cotton and super glue is an extremely flammable combination. Allow the acetone to dry on the glue and wait for it to turn white. Take an emory board for filing nails to carefully file the glue off the skin. If the emory board does not fully extract the glue, wait for the acetone to work, and it will eventually be able to peel off.

Removing Super Glue from Clothing

When attempting to remove super glue from articles of clothing, be careful to avoid using materials that could react to the super glue. Material like cotton will be flammable on with super glue contact. The first step is to determine how delicate your clothing is. If it is a more unique garment with special cleaning instructions, take it to the local dry cleaner. Any methods you may try at home could damage the garment completely, so let a professional try to extract the glue.

If your clothes aren’t too delicate, you can attempt a similar method to removing it from your skin. Soak the garment in acetone, let it dry, then try peeling it off with a utensil like a spoon or coffee stir. If the stain does not come up the first time, you can try this method until you are satisfied. If you notice a discoloration while attempting the acetone method, take the garment to the dry cleaners immediately if you want to save it.

Visit the Super Glue Corporation website for more super glue help lists and articles, and shop to find all the super glue products you need, today!

