The Evolution of Vending Machines

Jin Linh
5 min readSep 21, 2018

Would you ever have guessed the vending machine’s roots are… religious? That’s right, before there were soda dispensers in Orange County, the original vending machine was created in Roman Egypt to dispense nothing other than holy water! It was built by an engineer and mathematician named Hero of Alexandria. You dropped in a coin, and it triggered a valve to open for a short period of time, dispensing the water.

The English Tavern

By 1605, the taverns of England contained coin-operated machines that dispensed tobacco. Historically, writings about these made the first mention of coin-operated vending machines since Hero of Alexandria’s in Roman Egypt! The English vending machines were portable and made of brass.

…Still in England

Later, in 1822, an English bookseller named Richard Carlile was looking for a way to circulate banned works of writing. He thought of distributing them through a newspaper machine. This machine was still rudimentary, however, and nothing like the automatic soda machines in Orange County that we count on today.

Invention of Modern Vending Machine

Four decades later, in 1867, Simeon Denham of England got a patent for his fully-automatic stamp dispensing machine. This was the creation of the first fully automatic vending machine, and the beginning of the modern vending machine as we know it.


Percival Everitt invented a postcard dispensing machine in London, which was widespread in railway stations and post offices. It also dispensed post cards, note cards, and envelopes.


The Sweetmeat Automatic Delivery Company was founded. It was the first company “to deal primarily with the installation and maintenance of vending machines.”


Someone outside of England finally got in on the action as Stollwerck — a German chocolate company — begun selling its products in 15,000 vending machines “in various territories.” Eventually, they would use vending machines to sell “not just chocolates but cigarettes, matches, chewing gum, and soap products.”

Vending Machines in the United States

Americans were right on trend when it came to fully-automated vending machines, and they first appeared in the US in the 1880s while they were becoming widespread abroad.


Thomas Adams Gum Company built the first vending machine in the US to sell gum on New York City train platforms.


Pulver Manufacturing Company started adding small toys and games to their vending machines. “This idea spawned a whole new kind of mechanical device, known as ‘trade simulators.’”


Smart vending machines were ranked #79 on the JWT Intelligence list of 100 Things to Watch for in 2014. Newer technologies, such as:

· Digital touch display

· Internet connectivity

· Social media connectivity

· Cameras

· Sensors

· Embedded computing power

· Digital signage

· Advanced payment systems

· ID technology

· Remote manageability

· Analytics ability

.. All contributed to this ranking. Smart vending machines were expected to reduce operating costs while improving efficiency.


According to market research by Frost & Sullivan, global shipments of smart vending machines were expected to reach about 2 million by this year.


Global shipments of smart vending machines were forecasted to reach about 5.6 million units by this by 2020, with a penetration rate of 20.3%, according to Frost & Sullivan.

Common Vending Machines

Today, vending machines are very common. Here are some of the things we see sold in vending machines everywhere.

· Change machine

· Cigarette vending machine

· Birth control and condom vending machine

· Food and snack vending machine

· Bulk candy and gumball vending machine

· Newspaper vending machine

· Photo booth

· Stamp vending machine

· Ticket vending machine

Specialized Vending Machines

Around the world, people have come up with some more “wacky” uses for this versatile machine. Some you may have seen (or heard of), others — probably not!

· Automobile vending machine

· Bait vending machine

· Book vending machine

· French fry vending machine

· Pizza vending machine

· Life insurance vending machine

· Marijuana vending machine

· Mold-A-Rama

Vending Machines in Modern Japan

Vending machines in Japan are at the highest ratio of any country in the world, with one machine for every 23 people (5.5 million machines throughout the nation). There is even one at Mount Fuji’s highest point!

Surprising Facts About Japanese Vending Machines

#1: Tommy Lee Jones’ Face

In a bizarre turn of events, the face of US actor Tommy Lee Jones is often plastered on the front of Japanese vending machines. That is because the machines sell cans of coffee or plastic bottles of tea, unlike sugary drinks commonly sold in the US — where you can easily find soda dispensers in Orange County, for example. Jones has long been a poster boy of Boss Coffee.

“If you ask many Japanese who he is, the face will be familiar, but few know his name!”

#2: Famously Quirky Products

Japanese vending machines sell a remarkable array of products. For example, “tofu, shirts, bananas, confectionery, newspapers, books, cup noodles, hot chicken and chips, clam-miso soup in a can (a popular hangover cure) … there are even “lucky dip” vending machines, where 1000 yen buys you who-knows-what?”

#3: Alcohol

“I used to buy beer or flavored Japanese vodka from a vending machine on the street below my apartment,” writes British tour leader Steve Parker.

Today, most alcohol machines are found in hotels — with no proof of age required, of course!

#4: Hot and Cold Drinks Proudly Sold from the Same Machine

“The same machine will sell you tsumetai (cold drinks), as shown with a blue strip or a snowflake icon, as atakai (hot beverages), indicated by a red flame icon. Hot chocolate, coffee, soups and vitamin lemon drinks for cold sufferers are all just a button away.”

SC Beverage, Inc. provides the highest quality service and products with a youthful, innovative staff ready to serve customers throughout the Western United States. They provide installations and service of soda dispensers in Orange County, post-mix fountains, bar gun systems, custom beer systems, and distribution of beverage conduit, plus sales of ice makers. Contact SC Beverage Today for More Information!

