Kubernetes deployment strategies

vishal acharya
3 min readJan 6, 2023


There are several deployment strategies that you can use when deploying multiple versions of your application in Kubernetes. Here are a few examples:

Rolling deployment: This strategy involves gradually replacing old pods with new ones, one at a time. This allows you to minimize downtime and roll back the deployment if any issues arise. You can use the kubectl rollout restart command to perform a rolling deployment in Kubernetes.

kubectl set image deployment/my-app my-app=my-app:v2
kubectl rollout restart deployment/my-app

Blue-green deployment: This strategy involves running two versions of your application in parallel, with one version serving as the “blue” version and the other serving as the “green” version. You can switch between the two versions by updating the service that routes traffic to the appropriate pods.

# Deploy v2 as the "green" version
kubectl apply -f my-app-v2.yaml
# Update the service to route traffic to the "green" version
kubectl patch svc my-app -p '{"spec":{"selector":{"app":"my-app","version":"v2"}}}'

Canary deployment: This strategy involves gradually rolling out a new version of your application to a small portion of users, and then gradually increasing the percentage of users as you gain confidence in the new version. You can use tools like Istio or Linkerd to perform canary deployments in Kubernetes.

# Deploy v2 as a canary deployment
kubectl apply -f my-app-v2.yaml
# Use Istio to route a small percentage of traffic to the "canary" version
kubectl apply -f my-app-canary-route.yaml
  • Consider the downtime and disruption that each strategy may cause. Rolling deployments and blue-green deployments generally have less downtime than canary deployments, but canary deployments may be more suitable for applications that can handle a higher degree of disruption.
  • Think about the risk involved in each strategy. Rolling deployments and blue-green deployments allow you to roll back the deployment if any issues arise, while canary deployments may involve a higher degree of risk as the new version is gradually rolled out to more users.
  • Consider the complexity of each strategy. Rolling deployments and blue-green deployments may be easier to set up and maintain, while canary deployments may require additional tools and configuration.
  • Think about the resources required for each strategy. Rolling deployments and blue-green deployments may require additional resources to run multiple versions of the application in parallel, while canary deployments may require fewer resources as only a small percentage of traffic is routed to the new version.
  1. A/B testing: This strategy involves running multiple versions of your application in parallel and routing traffic to each version based on predetermined criteria. This allows you to test different features or configurations and see which performs best.
  2. Shadow deployment: This strategy involves running a new version of your application alongside the old version, but routing no traffic to it. This allows you to test the new version in a production environment without affecting users.
  3. Multiple deployment environments: This strategy involves running multiple versions of your application in different environments, such as staging, production, and development. This allows you to test and deploy new versions in a controlled manner.

Which deployment strategy you choose will depend on your specific requirements and goals. Be sure to carefully consider your needs and test each strategy in a staging environment before deploying to production.

