We also have a program, Jiratech Foundation, in which we give back to the community and engage in social projects ( more on this, here: https://jiratech.com/company/foundation ).
On this note, those are the boilerplates that we created and we use regularly:
1) Java Spring Boilerplate: dockerized, API-first 3 layer architecture with PostgreSQL and Minio connectors.
Link: https://github.com/Jiratech/boilerplates-java
2) NodeJS Boilerplate: ExpressJs-based, typescript-adapted, 3 layer architecture with PostgreSQL connector.
Link: https://github.com/Jiratech/boilerplates-express-typescript-openapi
Those boilerplates have a unique characteristic — full integration with OpenApi v3 ( documentation here: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/3.0.0.md ). We wrote a tutorial on integration with ReactJS .
Those boilerplates use a single, descriptive JSON of the APIs and DTO ( for typescript, interfaces) that map and enforce the request and response and also generate the APIs ( Java) / handle the route components ( NodeJs).
You can find this schema here: https://github.com/Jiratech/boilerplates-openapi-schema
I hope this helps you speed up reliable development as it did for us!
If you want to contribute or comment, we welcome any feedback
Coming soon: ReactJS boilerplate and React-Native boilerplate with TypeScript and OpenApi.
Originally published at https://jiratech.com.