Display JIRA issues in Slack during standups with Jirio

Jirio — JIRA Slack app
2 min readApr 3, 2017

Agile methodologies become de facto standard nowadays, and more and more teams conduct standups as part of their daily routine.

Team members share their progress of the past day and their plans for the upcoming day. With Jirio, this process can be simplified considerably and can even happen virtually in Slack. Literally without even needing to gather together in one room.

How? Aliases is the key. With aliases you can build predefined JQL query that will show your JIRA issues that a) are in progress or b) were closed yesterday. These two points represent a cheat sheet that you might need on a standup.

First of all, create an alias with JQL that shows search results that you are looking for. Let’s call this alias — standup.

/jirio setalias standup find (status in ("In Progress", Done) OR resolved >= -1d) AND assignee in (currentUser())

Let’s have a closer look at the command and how does it work.

  • setalias — this is the command that creates an alias with a “standup” name
  • standup — this is the name of an alias that you create. We will reference this name a bit later.
  • find — this is a Jirio find command. You can use any command that Jirio supports, not just find.
  • status in (“In Progress”, Done) OR resolved >= -1d AND assignee in (currentUser()) — this is a JQL query. You can go to your JIRA search page and compose or validate this query there. Make sure that it’s valid and then paste it to the setalias command in Slack.

Now, let’s make sure that the alias has been created and exists

/jirio setalias

This command will list all aliases of your team.

Let’s try out newly created alias:

/jirio standup

As a result, Slack will show your active JIRA issues you are working on and JIRA issues that you had resolved a day before.

Jirio Slack JIRA app standup notes




Jirio — JIRA Slack app

Jirio is Slack JIRA integration app for creating, transitioning and managing JIRA issues from Slack.