AdWords vs. Facebook Ads — I just moved all budget to Facebook!

Jirka Schaefer
2 min readOct 13, 2015


I was running AdWords campaigns for a very long time now. Though with a small budget, but steadily. I checked the conversions, CPC, CTR every week and tuned them from time to time.

Earlier this year I got curious about Facebook Ads. I started a campaign there for promoting likes, the pages, some articles. But found at the end that, getting traffic to my external web portal was extremely expensive. Hence I dropped it again.

I shared my findings with Tina and she replied “There must be a way to create ads for your external URL at Facebook. I didn’t do nor venture for it until 10 days ago.

Means, what Tina said never left my brain and was working there to promote another test with Facebook Ads. So ten days ago, I was searching for the right kind of ads with Facebook and found “promote your external url”-ads. I created a campaign for it, uploaded the first 5 silly pictures I could find and gave it a low daily budget for 7 days.

The result of these 7 days for AdWords:

People reached: 18723
CTR: 0,49
CPC: 0,46
Cost per conversion: 13,97
Conversion Rate: 3%

Result of Facbook Ads:

People reached: 40.622
Clicks to my website: 279
CPC: 0,40
CTR: 0,55
CPM: 2,21
Cost per conversion: 2,50
Conversion rate: 10%


50+ Likes of my page
& 40+ comments
& 50 times shared by people
& 20% non payed traffic due to people sharing my ads

If you look at those numbers, they mean that Facebook is not only much, much more efficient for the invested money, but also brings along FOR FREE more likes, comments, shares which are resultung into more additional traffic.

Logic consequence: I disabled ALL my adwords campaigns. And moved all the budget to Facebook Ads with the following result:

So the question is now to you out there: is Facebook just killing AdWords? Did you made similar experiences? Or do I have a special case here?

I’m very curious about your feedback!

