All were warned about the new Coronavirus. Those viruses come all the time.

I warned when I had studied social epidemiology (Oakes, N.D.)and had learned about these viruses.

Jiska Hachmer
Covid-19 collection
29 min readFeb 3, 2020


I knew I wanted to be an MD. And my luck is, I got Health Psychology in my degree study as BSc. Health Science, and after this degree, I will be studying Medical studies to be an MD.

I warned to not abuse children, learn about viruses, and know why all these children need rest. They need to recover. And know that is 9–11 viruses a year, 1–3 flues, and 1–2 weeks per flu, and plus complications, and plus kids diseases, and each year.

How can you not know that, when you work with kids. I recommended studying ethics, human rights, all the laws, including the laws that demand them that kids must be healthy first, before they go to school, etc.

And to learn about the body, and how to solve all the days a child is at home, per year. Which can be a year weeks and weeks in a row, even months, and some other years, sick in the summer, which means a child did not rest much that summer. And how to solve, with apps, homeschooling, options to keep up with schooling, when the child feels better. To at least have teachers who understand the curriculum and have school work ready, so no one will fall behind, but the parents can catch the work with the kids.

What is done at schools, kids must be able to do at home too, and to continue on at home. And best is homeschooling, thus a system where kids can work on all work all year is best. Then, being sick is not that much. And all the kids will be sick, and lots will be sick a lot.

Also, I recommended the studies I had done, because we know from our studies, even more, must change in education, we were even with such mission since teachers school. And, to report the bad hygiene among teachers and in schools. I gave my kids soap to school, there was not even soap in 2014/2015 the tough virus year, where some had 2 viruses at once, and many complications. They even dared to go to see their elderly parents when all were ill, and none washed their hands.

I also, wanted the disrespect to me and parents gone. Kids were not only abused in the ways they did when having viruses but all days.

It was even recommended by all government authorities to never go there again, and switch schools again. So, I wanted them to be in line with the entire government.

In the end, the government had only told me what to do, and I had followed that, but locals trafficked my kids away. This is illegal, and clearly, and dutch only say crime is out of hand. Yes, but these are children, and this is human trafficking, and it means ya employees are out of hand. Fix it! And bring my kids home now. And bring all the kids home now.

It is all a part of social epidemiology. None, of the parents, were respected, none of the kids either, crime was and is still extremely out of hand. So, you then have to do what is best and is closing those schools, etc, and simply fall back on homeschooling, which is fastly fixed, there are so many homeschools online, and those levels are way higher and better explained. The country would end up wealthier, closing the buildings and step into the homeschooling. Especially when they choose all the types of schooling, which is what the human rights laws demand. You ĺl have unschooled, homeschooled, blended learners, online schooled, charter schooled, etc. All will have better results, and best results when parents are engaged, kids are homeschooled with little direction of the parents, and with no interference of others.

So, we have to accuse the dutch of causing illnesses, and crimes at work and in all families. We have to face the crimes done by the government and also local governments and all the local workers, and the typical jobs that do these crimes.

These viruses will come again, also after this one.

All viruses keep changing, and new will come again. I had studied about the viruses and knew new ones would come. Our job is to explain how we create illnesses and problems. Anyone studying viruses, which any person can do, and I think all should because all humans get every year viruses, and these viruses change over time, and at a point, there will be another dangerous virus pandemic again. It just will be. When you study this, you know what I mean, and you will know how that goes, and how normal that is. Thus you will prepare and will be ready for when that comes.

I suggest all professions with people know about viruses, and especially working with kids, and families, as all can get ill, but kids have more dangers when ill from viruses. Also, the elderly have more problems. So, you want to know how to help your family, and want to know what to do to prevent problems.

Social epidemiology is about the social structure that affects health.

Thus the crimes locals do. The bad education a generation has. Etc. And all the effects on health.

All these studies will fit your life. Know your social epidemiology.

You will have had a life, and at the point, you study virus you ll learn about the latest pandemics, and the new to come. You will add your profession, your studies, and your work to the new information about viruses, and will change the work environment and your home.

And when a plan has to be made about a lockdown, or how your work will help with the problems we can face, you are not surprised and will know what everyone means, and can even help solve things. Just the things you can solve. As the studies come into your life and will be there forever in your mind.

You will have your own personal story, I have mine. But all our stories show an impact on health.

And I have mine, I learned how kids today are held back in learning by the crime scene around them, by teachers, schools, “care workers”, youth care, local gov, and many people wanting money by using them. And we have just a few kids, so, every family is their target.

As the previous kids, now working with their parents, as adults, had both bigger groups, and their parents boom, the last ones of the boom, and oldest X are bigger than us and our kids, and then their kids, the few of the Millenials where the group was bigger than my part of Millenials, and my kids part.

Where in psychology we understand, in the bigger peer groups, more illnesses exist, so they are the ill, and we have just a few and miss to many people in our groups to form groups with the same illness.

They live in groups with the same illness, as they have more people, and can attract the same illness, in the same world, and the same jobs, and feel like all are alike them, that all are more like themselves. We are more rare, unique, ourselves, individuals, and never feel like the entire world is like us. It takes a while before I see someone my age. Kids grow up the best with different ages around, and to be able to focus on own development. So, that they became the criminals is not so strange. It is proven crime starts with peers.

But all have to be like us.

So, they strive, as they miss the well-being (Santos, 2019) themselves. The well-being goals are authenticity, and being autonomous. Born depending, but on a day you are independent.

And we raised the kids only authoritative (Wikipedia, N.D., parenting styles), and those believed authoritarians were still allowed, right there you have the biggest gap and most unprofessional people. They simply can not work with us, as they need help, and never are the better ones, nor studied one, never correctly, and always just wanting to use and abuse for money.

And perhaps all styles were allowed, they think. No…. we would almost want to scream, as that is shocking insane. Where were you? Years we know… no….

They do not see well, that their parents tried society, and tried to put it back into crimes, that were named unethical already for years and years.

As if bandura(N.D., 2013, Bandura) kids are allowed again, or skinner box… No!!!

Shaping is unethical, as we have free will, and the goal is least directed.

It is worrying how in a short amount of time, after my studies in psychology about unethical behavior, people dare to name unethical, ethical again. It remains unethical, but we need to see why…

It s the same when a woman is bought, or sold, and we agree it would be ethical. And if we do not agree we can sell humans, we find that unethical.

People must become themselves, not used, shaped, brainwashed, but themselves. Their preferences are needed to be themselves and are private, and with human rights protected. Thus also Skinner remains unethical. And a person with control issues.

Science already demands more of us, we have all these rules and codes, and they just want opinions, and the paparazzi to be king and judges, etc.

Enjoying myths, crimes, gossip, bullying, taking away from other people, stealing, etc.

But science demands us all to do even more studies, then just a better highschool, higher GPA, and till doctorates level. Lots of people in the world have more bachelor's and more degrees.

We also, passed the time techniques were just new, and computers had to be introduced at work and in schooling, and at homes.

We need basic biology when we are working with people. We need to be fully scientific. We need to have academic skills. We need to have neuroscience when being a psychologist. We need to do brain scans, testing and proof what we say and do, when at work with people.

We must have STEM, Big History, etc.

These 2 groups start at the lowest place but have the highest ego against us, and our kids.

These 2 groups, those parents with working kids, in our country, start below, they still need degrees, especially those working parents, with the facade to their kids, that their old, not valuable diplomae are equal to those kids degrees, and both need higher GPA. As of today, the Dutch GPA is 0.67. Imagine the young with degrees, and only bachelor degrees, and some masters, and their parents feeling comparable. But all actually are not worth that much. They do not have that amount of knowledge that is needed, see the low GPA.

Figuring out what academic skills are, and theses, and doctorates. What that would mean if they had that. And then, they still think it is impossible the entire country has a high level of high school. And forcing the workplace in our country to lowest levels, just because of the myths they believe.

This is logical, as they are not studied so much, thus they believe myths. They lack science, to know the truth.

While the USA has already 90% with high highschool, and with high GPA, and in dutch terms, with all subjects and sciences, and all profiles. They think we are insane if we say that. That would be impossible. As their parents hardly have any education, it sounds so strange for them. Thus they put all down.

Their myths become health beliefs and cause damage. These myths become a part of a belief damaging health. As all get low grades, low diploma’s, not even degrees, and none studies high enough to do healthcare correctly.

It is a bit the new elderly out of hand, in this “grey country”.

Between 50–70 years old dementia starts (Seamon, N.D). But they refuse to give up. Do not understand it. Are confused. And miss mirror neurons (Purves, N.D.). And life had been too tough. And they have been frauded. And they do not get what to do with raising. They think if we lie all is tough for all, we win. They then think to sound bigger, and meaner, and better. And as some elderly, they think if we own the kids we have income, we have a world and rule.

And they refuse their levels of education is of course now nothing worth. Time moved on, and they still have to work, but want up and are actually only allowed to go down.

And it is logic, typical social epidemiology. By the book, they do the wrong they do, because of certain situations in their lives. We need to make them understand that.

Boom’s DSM and narcissism

And their parents are the last booms, and those have the most DSM and complex DSM, 3+ when having DSM, and are most narcissistic of all in society.

So, there is the wrong feed. But the use of our kids. And note. the system was made because many problems came to the surface about that part of boom/ X and that part of Millenials, because of boom/x. As boom already had ruined X and had become a boom-echo. Which all studies were about, all the years, but their kids hardly know about, and were used in this strange falling back in the time of 20 years, because of these late parents out of boom 3/x.

My kids and I are the same generations, and 1 first of the i-gen. So, the exact same me, and I was raised lots better than all before, and our part of the generation are the happiest, we had good outcomes. But all had worked on that of course when we were born all was different already, nothing the same as ever before, all the latest and best science. Kids after me came in the frauds, at schools, in care, etc. So that is their kids and they only know such a world. Thus their parent's bad sum in life and the frauds these grew up in.

And the i-gen I have is a logic for being a millennial with kids. It is not logical to be a boomer and have an I-gen.

So, these tried to skip us. And skip our time. Our rights to be our generation. And tried to ruin also us, and rule us. Which was in the news all the years. They hate us, just use the kids to be in a world, and try controlling us and blocking us from abilities to work, and discriminate, and are extremistic and badly educated. Etc.

We have sweet kids, evolution went on, empathy grew, and we needed already as the new kids lots better education and a better system, but our kids are already here and need even more of the best, which those just never had, never knew, never studied for, and just make up some opinions, and some myths, and traffick kids away from us, abuse them, use them for money, and brainwash them, and put them in the lowest education ways and levels.

With these kids of their own. That is what we got into, into them, waiting to abuse us all.

Them dumbly thinking we are them. And for them, no law exists. And that human rights are just advice, you can skip. Etc. The insanity everywhere.

While we were openly raised against their believes and myths and biases. We had real education, without fraud. And we studied so much. We also are not schizophrenic afraid of the internet, thus we have so much more input studied, and processed, we really are on an extremely higher level than them. And that they hate. As compared to their parents, which had no education at all, they felt superior, and became narcissistic and exploited elderly many years already. We just simply studied so much more. And also, because they all were frauded with not real education towards degrees. They hardly have something comparable to associate degrees. So, they made us not their friends, and they live fake lives, in our world.

There all these studies still must be done, and work still must continue. All they had as advice, cause none studied much, none of them, is be tougher, be harder against them. Own the workplace. Youngsters, us 38 and all around me, almost 40, but treated like kids they abuse, us youngies, youngsters, kiddo’s had to be tougher. Toughen up. Insanity as we worked since teen years and the market was ours. So, what? Insane an answer. We say, now ya grown and older than us, be the real worker and catch them, get them in the jails. That is where crime belongs, as none is allowed to target us and our kids this way, plus it is our time. Move. Get out and learn the studies. All is not about age. All is about studies, and who is smartest and has the best studies is the leader only. They refuse, but the world understands me and knows why Holland is ill. They think they just rule. No, the world would answer, no your studies can only rule something.

So, we study and study lots to fix this.

My story towards social epidemiology: I am an environmental psychologist and will be an MD

They abuse all with kids, so if I had no kids, I was treated big by my title, and they would try to control me and use me for them, but with my work.

I am a psychologist, wanting to work with MRI and fMRI, and did studies for that already. But with my degree, I can work in hospitals, etc too.

And, I need a degree to be secure at the workplace. I studied teacher school, psychology, and now Health Science. And, had trouble along the way to get a degree( Dutch insurance company, UWV, was trouble when I moved between regions, and I came in the middle of their frauds, not wanting to the plan that was made in my previous region. But it was proven with doctors and psychologists I actually had no chance at work again, but I was extremely smart, thus with a study, I do have chances. But that had to be a bachelorś degree. And I still had not used that money for a degree, the government then gave to all people under 34. And I had to combine forever my work with my writing, music career and another job. So, I became a practitioner, as I already had almost finished that study. (A psychology/ MD type of therapy), and studied teaching school, at first. At teaching school, I could not finish the physical work, I remained to disabled, after pregnancy, where I had a bed rest of 6 months, but did not recover with my hips. I wanted to keep working with psychology, teaching, and in music and wanted to write, so the next logical step was psychology, as that fits with these interests. I love to know all psychology, to write better books. I love to know psychology, to write better songs. I love to know psychology, like educational psychology. I love being an MD one day and be a psychologist/MD. Through that study, they became the problem, of 5+ years, and abused me physically, I got more handicapped. And they were traumatizing. The psychologist said you do not need help, I know you just need out, away from them. And explained how to heal from these traumas, which normally happens naturally, and it did.

Because of the situation, the system where I lived forced me into doing my company too early. So, I have Essence, which is my second company. I used to have another company giving the therapy I studied for.

I have this goal with Essence, to bring only the most sophisticated ideas in all jobs. Where I also have the goal to stop DSM and crime at work. So, people do not use the workplace to do crimes, which has a lot of times DSM as an underlying issue, especially in the lower majors, and power-seeking jobs.

Which also means to stop crime with higher education, and honor code, and authoritative raising only to not create DSM. And all these research studies, where I want to see scientific laws, we use as truth, as science has that duty.

And to follow ethics and human rights. I am also a big history teacher, and manager, and specialized in SEL, leading people and teams, and internationally. And I write articles and books.

And so, I made the school for the ombudscycle, were all professions help to achieve human rights and keep working on all cases where human rights are violated. And, big humanity, as a part of big history.

Social epidemiology in my world

The criminal ways of the environment, are typical in social epidemiology and show just like DSM shows low hygiene when one has DSM, problems when viruses come. And we had some viruses, and kids died, and no one felt like treating the virus normally, as expected, as the locals were clearly criminals in their jobs and low literate.

Managing the environment

The employees were so ill and criminal, and so not doing what I was taught in teaching school and all my studies, I studied management.

I suggest all studies to solve situations that are against human rights, ethics and are about low literacy and the link to crime. And about wrong raising, where people create DSM and crime. And to change the environment to the ways the most sophisticated research explains.

And I would suggest studying management from the best universities, to know the psychology of humans.

I studied these about people, and they had to learn to do their tasks better, had to learn to find their own talents and help them be who they are. To see their mistakes, and to change the environment into the way it has to be to get all the tasks done correctly. Social epidemiology is about the same, also health psychology. People have to change the environment and their behavior into the behaviors that are healthier and are not causing viruses and illnesses.

Especially because the workplaces were filled with low literate, and people with personal problems and crime, there were these dangers that had to be solved. The behavior of these people had to change because everyone was damaged by them.

Everyone with handicaps, or illnesses, which mostly happen during a lifetime to anyone, can work on this.

Just do what you can. And let the studies fit you and your world, and do the tasks rights. Know the needs you have, and understand the needs others have, and create simply what you can. If we all work on this, we all create a better world for the moment crisis comes.

Learn what studies does to the mind. See how best input, processed in the best ways, will become a good output. And see how all you make will become someone else's input.

If we change the workplaces already just into this, we are creating a better workplace, where people do tasks better, and all people will feel better and will get better lives.

Social epidemiology and solving criminals behaviors

These locals just did not want to study well, and had a high ego, causing a lot of damage, abuse, and even exploitation and trafficking, and lots of crimes. So, a lot came down on handicapped, like me.

Lots of parents have handicaps and had pressures like me, where the locals abused us and exploited us, and we had to be the only force to create better environments at schools, as employees were mentally ill and criminals.

The country got poorer as well. So we had all these social epidemiology problems to solve.

And I had studied this, and they did not except that at all. As criminals do not want knowledge, nor changes into better. They want their positions and abuse, exploit, traffick and get money, and create the world to their opinions and ideas. Mainly myths, and no thoughts, but just ruling, feeling powerful, and abusing, thus biassed, and ill.

And viruses were there a lot that season. It was a tough flu season, and these people kept us all busy with their crimes, which caused a lot of time, and which caused that people hardly got a normal life. All sucked up by these criminals.

I kept warning schools, attendance officers, government, and local government, and social workers, and Dutch doctors even…

We must stop exploitation. We must stop human trafficking. We must stop pretending these forces are the way to go, while all of us learned the opposite. We have to do science. And we must learn science, do the science steps, do the theses, do academic skills, and develop us, and do the social epidemiology, ethics, and human rights.

So, we do not accuse the “new” parents of keeping kids home without reasons, while kids need to be home even more. And officially homeschooling is best, and at teaching school, we already were taught that and had a mission to change education into a modern style. Where the world has been busy with many styles. So, how come we end up not knowing anything, or not wanting to know anything, and abusing kids into schools, when severely ill from the virus.

I explained the 9–11 viruses a year, and the rest they need to recover.

None cared, and that has many social epidemiology reasons, also health psychology reasons…

I only continued my studies…And kids only got more abused, exploited and even trafficked, by these circle of people with low education, refusing our jobs.

But we knew already in 2013:

Another Sars would come…So, we also know today, another Sars will come.

Knowledge, higher education, let crime rate drop.

So we need to keep studying

All of us, and I hope you got the fear to change behavior.

Willing to change? Then, make small changes!

Make small changes already, and start simply anywhere you like with studying and jump into the world today, where we can study anything, and together online can rapidly spread all we have studied.

After these small changes, keep studying and make bigger changes, the outcome you wish, just do it! You can.

And maintain, the things you have achieved.

What needs to be studied for new coronaviruses?

I think we need to study how corona attacks, and can not change the shape of RNA. But also how to eat to not get pneumonia. And how to solve stress and pneumonia. And how to change health beliefs, and how to use social epidemiology, and change health beliefs. So, doctors can solve cases that will come. And we have and vaccines, and medications, and have extra help with the social problems causing illness, and crimes causing problems and illness. And that we also have a natural force against the diseases, like better diets. So, we have a bit more to fall back on.


  • RNA diet
  • DNA, diet as DNA is transcribed into RNA
  • anti pneumonia diet
  • anti-virus diet
  • kidney diet (as kidneys can fail, because of coronavirus)

But we also need to have a higher education to solve crimes. And have honor codes, to solve crimes.

So, I think we must study a lot and especially:

Stem subjects, and degrees.

and all levels, also early childhood..

And teach all subjects that will help us understand viruses and science, and will make people good at doing research. And in spreading their research.

Social epidemiology

So, know the social problems, and relationship with health, like a bad gov, bad environment, bad locals, etc, and crimes, dark triad and how the virus is spread. And what should happen, and explain that, and help us change that.

And especially the studies about low majors, with low IQ averages, and how to make lower majors higher. How high majors, math, physics, and chemistry can take over lower majors. And how all majors use scientific laws and do not use opinions to force people, as theories are not the truth.

How we can force without force.

And study generation X, and end of the boom, as these are the oldest workers in all work fields, and were raised with more experiments, drugs, alcohol, chaos, and unethical behavior. And how they raise their kids.

And how Millenials can be free, also their kids, and how they can be their generation, without controlling obsessed and addicted x and boom.

Health psychology

Study and know the bad behaviors, and change them with change models. And change the health beliefs.

Now, let's work on this

So, look up something you are interested in,

And in science, it is actually about is important enough, priority, to research. Something like your own kids you take care of first. But in times where you have freedom and nothing important is up you will be able to freely do your researches. Now, finding things on coronavirus is more logical, and the main interests are about the importance as well. But people will not be punishing you for having their own preferences, and interests, although there is a consciousness, so when a doctor would step over a patient, and let it die, and researches something else he/she likes, that is not okay.

Also, finding things you like are important to learn, preferences are the door to learning.

So, you need this logic of priority, your level and duties, and your preferences, and your work and resting time. You can do all of that, and will grow into that.

So, research something, and write a research thesis. Share it with everyone.

That is a small chance you can make today, to become more developed, and come more into the world today. Where you deserve a ranking, a place with your knowledge, and are equal and a part of the world.

And against those crimes

Yes be tough, and find the best that know how to handle these typical crime threats and learn all you can about it. About the tone this needs. The exposing narcissists. The must, of how we must do science and spread science. How we must encourage everyone to be ethical. And how to solve bad workers in the workplace. How to demand higher education before you hire people. Etc.

Go around them, but put the highest on them. You are safest when you go around them. The narcissist is not a discussion. But when you have to, toughen up, and be as much as you can not with them, but expose them, break them, and tell on them, and get help to catch them.


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Hachmer, J. (30th of November, 2019)Protect families: Now we know how to solve DSM and Crime, we need to build safe places around the parents. So no one can use them. Medium Retrieved from

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Hachmer, J. (29th of July, 2019) We are almost done to create godsend human. Medium Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of November, 2019)All parent’s challenges: The crime scene will always test you, saying no to all criminals is just the way for all parents, even when an entire group of people is asking you to change into their bad behavior. Medium Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of November, 2019)Protect families: Now we know how to solve DSM and Crime, we need to build safe places around the parents. So no one can use them. Medium Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) Ethicality: Ethics. Wholesomeness for every job and everyone. Medium Retrieved from

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