Deathrate Netherlands. New Coronavirus. SARS. Covid19 in the Netherlands: #Coronavirus #SARS #Covid19 # the Netherlands Chloroquine is not enough, we also need a lockdown.

Some still say flue, oh no, they are wrong, this is a coronavirus, not influenza virus, thus the name for this article, SARS, to be clear. And this is Holland, where we can say it is SARS. We have human rights and have a “Dutch mouth” as we would say, so we speak up. It should be more scientific, I think, but we could learn that.

Jiska Hachmer
Covid-19 collection
15 min readMar 8, 2020


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS

And because of the low literacy, they need to learn a lot.

Also, with SARS. They need to catch up knowledge, try to understand it and gain curriculum, to be a real worker, solving this situation.

Differences in curriculum thus knowledge

The USA has 90% with high school, beyond the dutch level. So, their least smart too. And their GPA for 300million people is 3, and we dutch have too many health beliefs, myths, and social epidemiology myths that we just never believe that is possible such a smart world. I know it is true, I know it what we could, as we do have 100 IQ average, thus very easily they should be getting a high school diploma. But they will be shocked by the level.

They can not understand a middle school, the most never get to even a middle school in Holland. They do not have k-12. It is more K-10/K-11, and very low levels, and low GPA (0.67) just some have K-12, not the average people, and also they have that same low GPA (0.67) I know no one believes that. That can not be. I know, but Dutch is that extremely low literate. And do not have the level of beyond middle school. They would fail high school from year ..Uhm, actually elementary already. They would fail, typical from first grade until

And that is today, past years was even worse, especially all x and boom. Millennials had an attempt to have a high school like the USA, but x and boom put all to lower levels than promised. And because they can not understand what all on the highest level means, they never had that. EQF 2, is the Dutch duty in school. The Dutch are frauding the kids and deliver this low EQF2, and in many years, which is abuse. They force this down on kids, while all know EQF4 is the least after high school in the world. EQF5 is a norm in the USA, see the modules in high school, being like junior college/ university modules. And done with GPA 3. Thus that is actually a semi bachelor system. Associate degree modules it could be in middle school. Which means a middle schooler has EQF 5 modules. And that is true at the same time my kids did excel high school, they achieved associate degree equivalents official EQF5 diploma’s. All USA kids could do that.

Your A means in Holland a lot more, than ours.

A social worker is the lowest IQ around the world. And elementary teaching and child psychologists as well. But the Dutch even worse, because of their bad schooling, high ego about that bad schooling, and frauds even, and their abuses, child trafficking, etc.

From all the majors we could study, social workers, the elementary school teacher, and child psychologist, are not a children’s doctor, from medical school, I think they should, but they are not. And I know homeschooling is best. But this medical doctor for schooling could help create the curriculum, for the parents that want to give online schooling, blended learning, schooling in buildings, or any other way of schooling with a bit direction. Because of homeschooling and a little directed scores best. Not too much directing, not the school building, and not unschooling, although that is all around GPA 3.

To be precise Unschooling a bit under GPA 3. Schooling in buildings in USA GPA 3. Homeschooling GPA 3+. (Dutch have GPA 0.67 in school buildings, and yes their schooling is bad. Because that is what that means, they hardly can study and hardly know their books, and it is noted because of the school buildings, abuse outside the homes, and the lack of knowledge in the country).

So, your A remains A, GPA 3 is your average. And from the beginning of the curriculum until the end.

Dutch drop down from first grade.

Some never even had A’s in kindergarten. The teacher's fault, I know, they do not understand why. They only see their kids go down.

A social worker is a very low study and for the ones the worst in class. Elementary teaching the same. They have schools where they only have to have 55% as grades for all elementary school subjects. Thus that is their official adult level. A very low IQ.

Let’s see,

See the conversion chart, and look up that grade.

Explaination about the virus: what is happening with the virus, lots of Dutch think it is a “flu”.

That might only happen in Holland, the world seems to understand differences in viruses. Dutch always need explanation, lacking so much knowledge.




Social Epidemiology

Health psychology

From market to virus

  • Lockdown
  • Chloroquine and other medicine
  • Face masks

Death rate

First days with Covid19 in Holland

Date Ill and (from places) Raised cases.

27th of February 2020 3(Italy) (Tilburg)

28th of February 2020 6 (Italy) (Amsterdam) 100%

29th of February 2020 7 (Italy) (Delft) 16%

1st of March 2020 10 (Tilburg) (Coevorden) (Rotterdam) 42%

2nd of March 2020 18 (Tilburg) (Oss) (Houten) (Utrecht) (Helmond) and (Italy) (Alphen aan den Rijn) (Haarlem) 80%

3rd of March 2020 23 (Breda) 27%

4th of March 2020 38 (1 Rotterdam) (the rest been to Italy) 65%

— — — — — — — — — week 1

deaths ill Raised death. Raised cases.

5th of March 2020 1 82 First death 0 and 115%

6th of March 2020 1 128 0 and 56%

7th of March 1 188 (112 have been in other countries(103 in Italy)) (47 infected by one patient)(29 unknown)0 and 46%

8th of March 3 265 200% and 40%

Prediction of how this second week could end.

Tomorrow could be: 370 infected, and between 7–10 deaths would be the same death rate as Italy, and Wuhan.

Day after tomorrow could be: 520 infected and about 12-17 deaths.

Day after to complete the week could be: 730 infected, and between 17–25 deaths.

That could end the second week.

3 week

Then end of third week could be, If we keep pace of 40% per day more infected, and same death rate as Italy and Wuhan:

1000 25–41 deaths

1400 about 34- 41 deaths

2000 about 52- 56 deaths

2800 about 79- 80 deaths

4000 about 106- 148 deaths (Italy went faster with deaths from here than China, it had no lockdown yet, so, we see why all went fast suddenly, with a lockdown a bit sooner, we had less infected and less deaths in Italy. Wuhan had no Chloroquine yet, and did have a Lockdown. So, we need both to have a slower pace in both, and less infected and less deaths.)

5600 about 132- 233 deaths

7800 about 170- deaths- 366 deaths. (Still double the amount of death compared to China, so Lockdown could make a difference of a half of patients and less fast the growth of infections. )

End of 1 month Covid19 in the Netherlands could be this.

But we could have a drop in death rate and cases if we find more solutions. Also dutch seem to have less deaths. and we might also have a slower spread of the virus. Some days less fast. Then this can be about end of the month with Corona, and might be also beginning of next month of Corona, thus litterly beginning of next month.


  • we could be better with stopping death,
  • and could be having a slower pace than these past days.

If we work on that, we have less deaths.

We know who are ill now, we know all these people are the ones potentially death soon. We know the ones with SARS, and can prevent those deaths.

All below is with a prediction of Italy, but how Italy was now the past week.

11000 About 258 deaths — 500 (This is tomorrow for Italy, and could be: 500 deaths, they did start lock down, so it could be less too. But it will be in anyway more than China had. China had 258 deaths with that amount of infected. And Italy doubles now every day, the death compared to the amount, and had in shorter time this much infected.)

15000 About 304 deaths — 700 deaths (estimate italy, depends on lockdown results)

21000 About 362 deaths — 980 deaths “”

30000 About 638 deaths — 1400 deaths “”

42000 About a 1000 deaths- 1960 deaths “”

58000 About 1260 deaths- 2700 deaths “”

81000 About 2763 deaths- 3700 deaths “”

If italy goes down a little, else every day is higher. But I think some days will be a bit higher, some lower, and over time the death rate goes down. See my italy coronavirus article for this.

Assumed is that the raise of patients' in Holland last days in week 2 is because now people go to the GGD, and have waited. Perhaps the Italian cases, they were told not to go too from the beginning, only if they got iller. So, they were infecting others, now dared to go to GGD, they think at RIVM. That is not sure in science. This is RIVM’s/ GGD’s fault in any way, they ruled this, and told not to see doctors, and it is why they expect this. But we hear all dutch kept calling and demaning tests, none wanted to give it, because of these rules, but lots won anyway a test, they kept “fighting” for it, and let government people talk about this in the national government, to get rules of RIVM changed.

The deaths we have coming we dutch let come, while Wuhan and Italy were surprised, we are not, so we will have more fault if this amount will die.

And we see China and Italy has a huge difference. We see how we must judge any death, and the amount in Italy, and the amount of infected that is higher as well in Italy. And we will judge ourselves too. Any person death is one to many.

Chloroquine is not enough, we also need a lockdown.

We have less deaths, now, still, but the first came faster than China and Italy, but we also have a fast growth of virus, than China, because we have no Lockdown. So, we spread it faster and we see Italy, China and Dutch have the typical same spreading, and a typical deathrate with that spreading, but all goes faster here in Holland and Italy, simply missing Lockdown.

Wuhan had Lockdown, and thus less deaths. (The amount was 20% of total outcomes at a point, then the medicine was found, and it dropped to 6% of total outcomes.) Then Chloroquine came and had even more less deaths. Italy had no Lockdown, Holland neither, and thus the cases go fastly up. And thus the deaths too. Chloroquine is not enough, we also need a lockdown.

Italy has deaths and Corona as if it is there 1–2 months, not just one small month, and that is the missing Lockdown, speeding the situation up.

China discovered Covid19, but that meant the virus was there already a little while. So a lockdown seems to make 2 months a 1 month. The pace of spreading and thus deaths slowers a lot with lockdown. Especially if you realize how many infections that are, and the many deaths, we know we must.

We do something different. We got the same Italian virus.

We know how many got the virus. We know it took a while Italy had deaths. So, we are fast with the 1st death, but also, at the same time now, we have a delay in deaths. A bit less than Italy and China would have had. Could be because 30+ days it can take to die from this virus. And we just had it, and had the first death very fast.

Because many were told not to go to doctor, still today too. We know the people in “the trail “ only went to GGD, thus it is not catching up.

Dutch see only little of all possible cases, only “the with a trail “group. There is another group, excluded from tests, and told not to go to doctors.

Can we help Italy?

With treatments for pneumonia? We might have something better. It could be. We have early deaths, but not that high amount. Do we give all patients right away some medicine that Italy does not? But it is early to say. We could get after 30+ days a lot more deaths, catching up, if we do not treat good enough all the days. We might be doing the beginning of pneumonia better, so it takes some more days to see death. It all needs some time to know if we do the complete treatment better, and end up with less deaths.

Places in our country are now a source. Not only China, or Italy.

Tilburg, Rotterdam, Utrecht all logical places to get Covid19, because the European buses go to all cities in Europe from there. One bus driver got ill in Lyon. It is logical the public transport spreads the virus. It is a crowded place, we should avoid. See the corona song and all the science.

We should have had more deaths now.

  • We hardly reported all cases. Where all have it hard finding all cases, and how to measure. We could have more deaths because of Corona, but people just do not know.
  • Pneumonia raised since 2017, so we should see if it raised even more past months. That is most likely Covid19. In China they do not always test, but do scans to see pneumonia, because it is the virus from this moment, they count as Covid19. They are typically developing like this virus.
  • And, some cases we will just never know.

How we find the cases?

  1. Some simply die, and people found this virus as that reason at a point.
  2. Then the virus spread. These people with this virus traveled and do not always know they had the virus, some know.
  3. We measured the once we knew. And we had a plan only for the trail we could find.

We should have more cases, where can a dutch go?

We counted not all, we counted the trail they knew, which was China and Italy. They even skipped Germany, and France, etc. They assumed we could not get ill there. And they skipped Carnaval, which was celebrated with more countries. If you live on the border of the Netherlands you know what that means. South Netherlands, Middle/ South Germany, Belgium, etc have a huge festival with candy and toys on cars, thrown from the cars, and people dressed up and watching the Carnaval. Lots of people together, watching a busy parade. A virus easily spread, also by just living nearby, all share stores, and daily living. And they skipped all tourists, taking the European buses, and trains, and other public transport, where one could easily be on with a virus, especially not having symptoms. In science, we would count all the possibilities. And each person in another way infected is another one spreading.

SARS, is more like kidsdisease than flu.

So, we know there could be even more infected in our country. We will get to a point, just like Germany, where we will stop counting the infections from the trails, too. It is strange they do not go into lockdown, like Italy finally is. All need to have somewhat to completely a lockdown. Every person not at work, not in schoolbuildings, and in traffick is one less a problem of infections. Also, around the borders, and in Europe, and outside Europe, we need a same lockdown system, like China had. We need to slower the virus, even get rid of it completely. That does not happen by getting infected. It is not “kids disease and then we are immune. “ It is not flu and getting a mild illness. We have for both vaccines even. We should not forget that. For SARS we have medicine now, we did not have at the beginning. But we do not have a vaccine. Also, we do not want this to come annually. We would have suddenly a high death rate. We want to eliminate like all kids diseases we vaccinate for. So, it needs to be a new vaccine in the programs for kids disease preventions.

From this level we live we have to go up.

  • We had to know all about A-Z curriculum USA. And have same high GPA.
  • Had to be degreed.
  • And needed all to be doctorates/ scientists.
  • And to focus on diets, medicines, lockdowns, prepare fastly facemasks, and other products. We knew this was coming, we had to be ready. Just anything that stops the virus, and prevents it to come to us.

Now we are on a lower level, thus depending on others, and vulnerable, not so matured, not so smart, and thus many deaths, and infected to come.

We need to catch up fast. And protect all.


  • excel highschool / discoveryk-12, all online schooling, homeschool pop. Elementary and high school online, and better levels of it and higher GPA.
  • Openstax.
  • Corona virus modules on all universities and schools online.
  • And get degrees.


The Dutch need to learn from these things. How workers that make faults must pay and are not allowed to make faults, and with coronavirus, it's even a bigger job than this..

(must train cops properly, also must train any employee properly, etc… this video is a good example of bad workers and why, and what court should say: bad trained, badly educated, bad schooled bad outcome cause of that bad input, and the fault is… not the normal people, the one that hired and did the schooling, and thus town and gov.)

update 11/3

its an 30–79 year old disease not elderly disease… and 87% is our age that is getting ill.

update 17/3

Update 19/3

great usa lesson on calculating amount of corona cases..

please see the lesson and calculate even better all data about corona

update 24/3

Dutch have the worst scenario, worse than italy and china

Lesson from NY

Update 29/3

We still go to fast. 10 days faster than Italy. We did save 11.000 deaths. We did slower even this going to fast a train. It went even faster without lockdown. We go faster than Italy still, despite our slowing down. And it did save 11.000 + lives, but they would be dead innocent without lockdown.

Lockdown saved 11.000+. But we still go 10 days to fast with growth of infections and death and are beyond the infection and relationship to death rate Italy had. So, we are going faster, and worse.

And in total that will be extremely worse.

  • We need to slow down 10 more days. Then we are equal to Italy.
  • And need to slow down, even more, to be like China.
  • Then, even more, to be like the least worst-off country.
  • Then to none, we must be free of Covid19.

More youth dies

