The forgotten profession along with the very profitable earning of the environmental psychologist consultant

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
4 min readOct 14, 2018

Environmental Psychology is a problem oriented profession using a mix of fields. Designers that study problems - in the psychology of the interaction or cooperation between the environment and human -and seek through towards solutions to these problems.

Their earnings is near a 100.000 dollar annually. Together with experimental psychologist they reach at least #7 position in top 10 psychology jobs, but none mentions them.

Highest paying jobs in psychology:

#1 Psychiatrist $170.000

#2 Military psychologist $120.000

#3 Industrial & Organizational Psychologist $ 97.000

#4 Neuropsychologist $90.000

#5 School psychologist $90.000

#6 Geropshologist $89.000

#7 Experimental Psychologist $88.000



The history of environmental psychology is not old and has been very trending after the world war II. Since end 1960’s it became a known profession. Today we simply don’t know anymore what they are. We should expect them to be -while ecology is having top times in addition to neuro-biology and neuroscience. They are the new psychology, very we could expect innovation in biology and environment - instead of vanishing feelings.

World war II created an appeal for social psychology studies, nevertheless the experiments they did were inside laboratories and that would not be giving correct answers on the scientific questions people had, so the people of that time believed. And because they were not real life settings, unusually how could all their findings be real? Environmental studies could develop outside laboratories as a consequence this remarking field became the new explanation for lots of problems in life.

The first known environmental book is Geopsyche from Dr.Willy Hellpach. (Dr. W. Hellpach. 1935 / Paris. Payot. 1944.) His book is about sun and moon influencing human behavior. But who is contemporary still speaking of us at the same time silently earning in the top 10 and designing the new world?

Fields are mixed in environmental psychology studies. We use biology, geography, environmental studies, psychology, DNA, big history, human development, educational psychology, social and informational environments, architecture and design and some more like advertisement and tv settings.

If you want to become one too you could come from any of these fields. You’ll study beyond a master and will become a PhD in environmental psychology. You could be a conservation psychologist studying environmental attitudes. You could be an eco-psychologist studying with integrating views on social psychology and environment.

With this amount of information you can design, analyse research, teach, share knowledge as a writer, give outdoor therapy and make policy recommendations. You could be a sterling manager psychologist about environment. Be an admirable teacher. Or do more sound research.

A study of what humans think and do and particularly all interaction between human and their environment could make you design an environment and analyze the responds of human to the environment.

Your work can be ecological environmental, psychological architectural, educational environmental and actually can be about any environment.

People who are environmental psychologist are mainly PhD level. They have studied not only psychology, or biology, architecture etc. They have in common that they all do design environments.

We mainly think of what input the human receives and what their output does to the environment.

About me

I think it is a designers field, where people can be creative, but will be mainly using science into their designs to make the environment better for human, remarkably they’ll be scientists making the world more smoothly fitting and most sophisticated a hominid could think of. I think we can also design how people could be addressed at using our environment.

At this time I’ll focus on the basic needs. And will help to create a most sophisticated environment and most sophisticated approach to the environment, to agree we can live harmoniously in this developing setting where humans and the environment forever will be changing.

If we do all the basic needs most sophisticated, we’ll have more quality in our lives. Likewise will be more clear what we really need furthermore what we can’t live without. We can not design anything skipping these things in people’s lives.

I am also studying what the weather does to the mind. How people change by the weather.

My essential interest goes out to how DNA is changed by the environment, and how the universe only knows one thing for sure: change. Including how this interacts with each other. I love evolution along with DNA, as well as the changing species, moreover their changing environments.

We could bring back the light on environmental psychology with consultants explaining what we do. It is a considerable job which earns great like any other top psychology. But this job brings many jobs and ideas together into a great design. This is where psychologist can be inordinately creative.

