How to Build a Golang gRPC Microservice with ScyllaDB: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jitender Kumar
15 min readNov 12, 2023


Microservices architecture has revolutionized the way we design and deploy applications, providing scalability, flexibility, and maintainability. One of the key technologies driving this shift is gRPC, a high-performance, open-source framework developed by Google. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of gRPC in building microservices and guide you through the process of creating a Golang gRPC microservice integrated with ScyllaDB.

gRPC: Empowering Microservices

What is gRPC?
gRPC stands for “gRPC Remote Procedure Calls” and is an open-source RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework. It enables efficient communication between services, allowing them to communicate seamlessly, regardless of the programming language they are implemented in. gRPC uses HTTP/2 as its transport protocol, offering features such as bidirectional streaming, multiplexing, and low-latency connections.

Advantages of gRPC in Microservices:
- Performance: gRPC is known for its speed and efficiency, making it ideal for microservices that require low-latency communication.
- Language Agnostic: Write microservices in your preferred language; gRPC supports multiple languages, including Golang, Java, Python, and more.
- IDL (Interface Definition Language): gRPC uses protobuf (Protocol Buffers) as its IDL, allowing for efficient serialization and deserialization of data structures.
- Bidirectional Streaming: Supports streaming requests and responses, enabling real-time communication.

ScyllaDB: A Powerful Database for Microservices

Microservices generate and process vast amounts of data, requiring a reliable and scalable database solution. Enter ScyllaDB, a NoSQL database that offers high performance, fault tolerance, and scalability. Here’s a brief look at why ScyllaDB is an excellent choice for microservices:

Key Features of ScyllaDB:
- Distributed Architecture: Built for distributed environments, ScyllaDB ensures high availability and fault tolerance.
- CQL (Cassandra Query Language) Compatibility: ScyllaDB is compatible with Cassandra, making it easy to transition from Cassandra to ScyllaDB.
- Low Latency: Designed for low-latency applications, ScyllaDB excels in scenarios where response time is critical.
- Linear Scalability: As your microservices grow, ScyllaDB scales horizontally, adding nodes to handle increased workloads.

In the upcoming sections, we will guide you through setting up your development environment, defining the microservice architecture, creating the Golang gRPC microservice, integrating ScyllaDB for data storage, and deploying your microservice. Let’s embark on a step-by-step journey to build a robust and scalable microservice architecture.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

To embark on our journey of building a Golang gRPC microservice with ScyllaDB, let’s begin by setting up your development environment. This section will guide you through the installation of Golang, the creation of a basic Golang project structure, and an introduction to protocol buffers (protobuf) — a crucial component for defining the service interface.

Installing Golang

Step 1: Download Golang Visit the official Golang website at and download the latest stable version of Golang for your operating system, also follow the below links to set up golang :

Go plugins for the protocol compiler:

  1. Install the protocol compiler plugins for Go using the following commands:

$ go install

$ go install

2. Update your PATH so that the protoc the compiler can find the plugins:

  • $ export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"

or, you can follow the below link to setup the protoc

Setup Scylla Db in Local

Run below commands:

docker run --name scylla-local -p 9042:9042 -d scylladb/scylla
docker exec -it scylla-local nodetool status
docker exec -it scylla-local cqlsh

Create KeySpace

CREATE KEYSPACE book_my_show WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};

Create tables

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS movies (movie_id TEXT, name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, genre TEXT, description TEXT, rating TEXT );

Download all dependencies

go mod vendor

Project Structure

|-- cmd/
| |-- server/
| |-- gogrpcsrvr
| |-- main.go
|-- commons/
| |-- constants/
| |-- utils/
|-- config/
| |-- aap.env
|-- helper/
| |-- request-validator.go
|-- internal/
| |-- config/
| |-- dao/
| |-- db/
| |-- grpc/
| |-- interceptor/
| |-- server.go
| |-- log/
| |-- models/
| |-- service/
|-- pkg/
| |-- grpcserver/
|-- proto/
| |-- movie.proto
| |-- movie-service.proto
|-- |resources
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
  • cmd/: Contains the main application entry point (main.go).
  • internal/: Holds internal packages, including db/ ,dao/, server service/.
  • proto/: Houses protocol buffer definitions (movies.proto and movie)
  • go.mod and go.sum: Files generated by Go modules.

Defining the Microservice Architecture

Now that we’ve set up our development environment, let’s dive into the core of our Golang gRPC microservice architecture. This section will provide an in-depth explanation of the chosen technologies, gRPC for communication, and ScyllaDB for efficient data storage.

gRPC: Efficient Communication Protocol

Understanding gRPC
gRPC, or gRPC Remote Procedure Call, is an open-source RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework developed by Google. It utilizes HTTP/2 as the transport protocol and Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) as the interface description language. gRPC offers several advantages for microservices communication, including:

- Efficiency: gRPC uses HTTP/2, enabling multiplexing and reducing latency, making it more efficient than traditional REST APIs.

- Language Agnostic: gRPC supports multiple programming languages, allowing developers to build services in their language of choice.

Microservices Components and Responsibilities

Our Golang gRPC microservice will be composed of various components, each responsible for specific tasks. Here’s an overview:

1. Service Definition (Protobuf):
— The proto/ directory contains the movie.proto and movie-service.proto files, which defines the service interface using Protobuf syntax. It outlines the RPC methods and data structures.

2. gRPC Server (Golang):
— The internal/grpc/server.go and pkg/grpcserver/ directories will house the gRPC server implementation. This server will handle incoming RPC requests, execute the corresponding logic, send responses, and also act as a bridge between the gRPC server and the core business logic. It interprets gRPC requests, invokes the service functions, and formats the responses.

4. ScyllaDB Integration:
— The microservice will integrate with ScyllaDB, a highly performant NoSQL database. ScyllaDB’s strengths in handling large amounts of data with low-latency responses make it an excellent choice for microservices that demand high throughput.

As we progress in our step-by-step guide, we will delve into the implementation of these components, creating a cohesive architecture for our Golang gRPC microservice with ScyllaDB. Stay tuned for the upcoming sections, where we’ll focus on coding the gRPC server, defining RPC methods, and seamlessly integrating ScyllaDB into our microservice.

Crafting the Movie Protobuf

In this section, we’ll embark on the journey of building a robust Golang gRPC microservice specifically designed for managing movie data. We’ll go through each step of the process, from defining the protobuf messages to implementing service methods for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on movies.

Step 1: Defining Protobuf Messages


syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "moviepb/";

message MovieDetails {
string id = 1;
string movie_name = 2;
string genre = 3;
string description = 4;
string ratings = 5;

enum MovieStatus {

Step 2: Defining Request/Service Methods


syntax = "proto3";

option go_package = "moviepb/";
import "proto/movie.proto";

message MovieRequest{
string movie = 1;
string genre = 2;
string desc = 3;
string rating = 4;

message MovieResponse{
MovieDetails movieDetails = 1;
MovieStatus status = 2;

message GetMovieRequest{
string movie = 1;

message GetMovieResponse{
MovieDetails movieDetails = 1;

message GetAllMoviesRequest{
string movies = 1;

message GetAllMoviesResponse{
repeated MovieDetails movieDetails = 1;

message UpdateMovieRequest{
string movie = 1;
string genre = 2;
string desc = 3;
string rating = 4;

message UpdateMovieResponse{
MovieDetails movieDetails = 1;
MovieStatus status = 2;

service MoviePlatform{
rpc CreateMovie(MovieRequest) returns (MovieResponse);
rpc GetMovie(GetMovieRequest) returns (GetMovieResponse);
rpc GetAllMovies(GetAllMoviesRequest) returns (GetAllMoviesResponse);
rpc UpdateMovie(UpdateMovieRequest) returns (UpdateMovieResponse);

To Compile the proto files into Go files with gRPC support, use below command

protoc - proto_path= proto/*.proto - go_out=resources/ - go-grpc_out=resources/
  • --proto_path=proto/: Specifies the directory where your Proto files are located. Update this path based on your project's structure.
  • --go_out=resources/: Indicates the output directory for the generated Go files. The resources/ directory will be created in the same location as your proto/ directory.
  • --go-grpc_out=resources/: Specifies the output directory for the generated gRPC Go files. The resources/ directory will be created in the same location as your proto/ directory.
  • proto/*.proto: Specifies the Proto files to be compiled. Adjust this pattern based on the actual names and locations of your Proto files.

Ensure that you run this command from the root directory of your project and update the paths accordingly. After running the command, you should see the generated Go files with gRPC support in the resources/ directory.

Integrating ScyllaDB for Data Storage

In this section, we’ll focus on seamlessly integrating ScyllaDB into our Golang gRPC microservice for efficient and reliable data storage. We’ll cover the necessary configurations, connection setups, and the design of the database schema tailored to store movie information.

Creating Scylla db Session


package db

import (
configs ""

var (
once sync.Once
sessionWrapperService SessionWrapperService

type SessionWrapperService interface {
Query(stmt string, names []string) QueryXService

type SessionWrapperImpl struct {
Session *gocqlx.Session

func (s *SessionWrapperImpl) Query(stmt string, names []string) QueryXService {
queryX := s.Session.Query(stmt, names)
return &QueryXServiceImpl{
QueryX: queryX,

func GetSession(configs configs.DbConfigs) SessionWrapperService {
once.Do(func() {
scyllaDbCluster := gocql.NewCluster(configs.DBHosts...)
scyllaDbCluster.Keyspace = configs.DBKeyspace
s, err := gocqlx.WrapSession(scyllaDbCluster.CreateSession())
if err != nil {
log.Logger.Fatal("failed to create scylla db session ", zap.Error(err))
sessionWrapperService = &SessionWrapperImpl{
Session: &s,
return sessionWrapperService
  1. SessionWrapperService: This is an interface that defines the contract for a service that wraps a gocqlx.Session. It has a Query method.
  2. SessionWrapperImpl: This is the implementation of SessionWrapperService. It has a Query method that returns a QueryXService.
  3. GetSession: This function initializes and returns an instance of SessionWrapperService. It uses a sync.Once to ensure that the initialization code is executed only once. The ScyllaDB session is configured based on the provided DbConfigs.


package db

import (

type QueryXService interface {
BindStruct(arg interface{}) QueryXService
BindMap(arg map[string]interface{}) QueryXService
Exec(ctx context.Context) error
SelectRelease(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}) error
GetRelease(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}) error

type QueryXServiceImpl struct{
QueryX *gocqlx.Queryx

func (q *QueryXServiceImpl) BindStruct(arg interface{}) QueryXService{
return &QueryXServiceImpl{
QueryX: q.QueryX.BindStruct(arg),

func (q *QueryXServiceImpl) BindMap(arg map[string]interface{}) QueryXService{
return &QueryXServiceImpl{
QueryX: q.QueryX.BindMap(arg),

func (q *QueryXServiceImpl) Exec(ctx context.Context) error{
return q.QueryX.Exec()

func (q *QueryXServiceImpl) SelectRelease(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}) error{
return q.QueryX.SelectRelease(dest)

func (q *QueryXServiceImpl) GetRelease(ctx context.Context, dest interface{}) error{
return q.QueryX.GetRelease(dest)
  • QueryXService: This interface defines methods for binding parameters to queries (BindStruct and BindMap), executing queries (Exec), and retrieving results (SelectRelease and GetRelease).
  • QueryXServiceImpl: This struct implements the QueryXService interface. It contains a gocqlx.Queryx field, and its methods delegate to the corresponding methods of gocqlx.Queryx.

Decoding the Dao Layer: Managing Data Access in Golang and gRPC


package dao

var (
movieColumns = []string{"movie_id", "name", "genre", "description", "rating"}
moviePartitionKeys = []string{"name"}
updateMovieColumns = []string{"genre", "description", "rating"}
movieSortKeys []string

const (
movieTableName = "movies"
name = "name"
id = "id"

func getTable(tableName string, cols, partitionKeys, sortKeys []string) db.Table {
tableMeta := table.Metadata{
Name: tableName,
Columns: cols,
PartKey: partitionKeys,
SortKey: sortKeys,
return table.New(tableMeta)

func insertMoviesInDb(ctx context.Context, session db.SessionWrapperService, movies *daomodels.Movies) error {

func getMovieFromDb(ctx context.Context, session db.SessionWrapperService, movieName string) (*daomodels.Movies, error) {

func getAllMoviesFromDb(ctx context.Context, session db.SessionWrapperService) ([]daomodels.Movies, error) {

func updateMoviesInDb(ctx context.Context, session db.SessionWrapperService, movies *daomodels.Movies) error {

To effectively manage movie data in our microservice, we’ve created a dedicated file named db_helper.go. This file encapsulates essential functions for interacting with ScyllaDB, allowing us to seamlessly perform operations like inserting, fetching, updating, and retrieving movie information.

Let’s take a closer look at the key components:

Constant Declarations:

  • movieColumns: Represents the columns in the ScyllaDB table for movies.
  • moviePartitionKeys: Denotes the partition keys used in the movie table.
  • updateMovieColumns: Specifies the columns that can be updated for a movie.
  • movieSortKeys: Reserved for future use.
  • movieTableName: Defines the name of the ScyllaDB table for movies.
  • name: Represents the name of the movie (a partition key).
  • id: Represents the unique identifier for a movie.


  • getTable: A utility function to create a ScyllaDB table definition with specified columns, partition keys, and sort keys.
  • insertMoviesInDb: Inserts movie data into ScyllaDB.
  • getMovieFromDb: Retrieves movie details from ScyllaDB based on the movie name.
  • getAllMoviesFromDb: Fetches all movies from ScyllaDB.
  • updateMoviesInDb: Updates movie information in ScyllaDB.


package dao

var (
initSync sync.Once
movieDao MovieDao

type MovieDao interface {
InsertMovie(ctx context.Context, req *models.Movie) (*models.Movie, error)
GetMovie(ctx context.Context, movieName string) (*daomodels.Movies, error)
GetAllMovies(ctx context.Context) ([]daomodels.Movies, error)
UpdateMovies(ctx context.Context, req *models.Movie) (*models.Movie, error)

type MovieImpl struct {
SessionWrapper db.SessionWrapperService

func NewMovieDaoImpl(dbConfigs config.DbConfigs) MovieDao {
initSync.Do(func() {
movieDao = &MovieImpl{
SessionWrapper: db.GetSession(dbConfigs),
return movieDao

func (dao *MovieImpl) InsertMovie(ctx context.Context, req *models.Movie) (*models.Movie, error) {

func (dao *MovieImpl) GetMovie(ctx context.Context, movieName string) (*daomodels.Movies, error) {

func (dao *MovieImpl) GetAllMovies(ctx context.Context) ([]daomodels.Movies, error) {

func (dao *MovieImpl) UpdateMovies(ctx context.Context, req *models.Movie) (*models.Movie, error) {

Notable Points:

  1. Singleton Pattern for DAO Initialization:
  • The initSync sync.Once ensures that the NewMovieDaoImpl function is only executed once, creating a singleton instance of the MovieImpl struct.

2. Error Handling:

  • Error messages are descriptive, providing information about the context of the failure.

3. Context Usage:

  • The functions accept a context.Context parameter, which is good practice for managing deadlines, cancellations, and other request-scoped values.

Overall, this file encapsulates the logic for interacting with ScyllaDB for movie-related CRUD operations. The use of interfaces and singleton patterns contributes to a modular and maintainable design.

Building the Service Layer: Connecting Protobuf with Business Logic


This file serves as the service layer that orchestrates interactions between the gRPC endpoints and the DAO layer for movie-related operations.

package service

type MovieService interface {
CreateMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.MovieRequest) (*models.Movie, error)
GetMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.GetMovieRequest) (*models.Movie, error)
GetAllMovies(ctx context.Context) ([]*models.Movie, error)
UpdateMovies(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.UpdateMovieRequest) (*models.Movie, error)

type MovieServiceImpl struct {
movieDao dao.MovieDao

func NewMovieImpl(dbConfigs config.DbConfigs) MovieService {
return &MovieServiceImpl{
movieDao: dao.NewMovieDaoImpl(dbConfigs),

func (m *MovieServiceImpl) CreateMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.MovieRequest) (*models.Movie, error) {}

func (m *MovieServiceImpl) GetMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.GetMovieRequest) (*models.Movie, error) {}

func (m *MovieServiceImpl) GetAllMovies(ctx context.Context) ([]*models.Movie, error) {}

func (m *MovieServiceImpl) UpdateMovies(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.UpdateMovieRequest) (*models.Movie, error) {}

Overall, this file encapsulates the business logic operations. The separation of concerns between the service layer and the DAO layer promotes modularity and maintainability in your application. The use of interfaces allows for easy testing and future extensibility.

Implementing gRPC Communication

In the process of building a robust gRPC communication system for the movie platform microservice, we leverage two essential components: movie_grpc_server.go and server.go. Together, these files play a pivotal role in establishing and managing the gRPC server, ensuring seamless communication between clients and the movie service.

grpcserver/movie_grpc_server.go — Connecting the Dots

type MovieGrpcServer struct {

func NewGrpcServer(server *grpc.Server) *MovieGrpcServer {
dbConfig := config.Configurations.DbConfigs
s := &MovieGrpcServer{
MovieService: service.NewMovieImpl(dbConfig),
moviepb.RegisterMoviePlatformServer(server.GrpcServer, s)
return s

func (m *MovieGrpcServer) CreateMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.MovieRequest) (*moviepb.MovieResponse, error) {}

func (m *MovieGrpcServer) GetMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.GetMovieRequest) (*moviepb.GetMovieResponse, error) {}

func (m *MovieGrpcServer) GetAllMovies(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.GetAllMoviesRequest) (*moviepb.GetAllMoviesResponse, error) {}

func (m *MovieGrpcServer) UpdateMovie(ctx context.Context, request *moviepb.UpdateMovieRequest) (*moviepb.UpdateMovieResponse, error) {}

movie_grpc_server.go serves as the bridge between the gRPC server and the movie service. Key points include:

  • Initialization: The NewGrpcServer function initializes the movie gRPC server. It creates an instance of the MovieGrpcServer struct, which embeds the moviepb.UnimplementedMoviePlatformServer interface and the MovieService interface.
  • CreateMovie, GetMovie, GetAllMovies, UpdateMovie Functions: These functions implement the respective gRPC methods for creating, retrieving, listing, and updating movie information. They seamlessly connect with the MovieService to handle business logic.

grpc/server.go — The Guts of the gRPC Server

type Server struct {
Config *config.AppConfig
GrpcServer *grpc.Server
HealthServer *health.Server

func NewServer(config *config.AppConfig) *Server {
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
healthServer := health.NewServer()
healthServer.SetServingStatus(grpcHealthService, healthv1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING)
healthv1.RegisterHealthServer(grpcServer, healthServer)
return &Server{
Config: config,
GrpcServer: grpcServer,
HealthServer: healthServer,

func (s *Server) Start() {
listener, err := net.Listen(tcp, ":"+s.Config.GRPCPort)
if err != nil {
log2.Logger.Fatal("failed to listen to", zap.String(port, s.Config.GRPCPort), zap.Error(err))
s.HealthServer.SetServingStatus("go-grpc-service", healthv1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING)
log2.Logger.Info("grpc server started")
if err := s.GrpcServer.Serve(listener); err != nil {
s.HealthServer.SetServingStatus("go-grpc-service", healthv1.HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING)
log2.Logger.Fatal("failed to serve", zap.Error(err))

In server.go, we create and configure the gRPC server.

  • NewServer Function: This function initializes and returns a new gRPC server instance. It configures the server with unary interceptors, and connection timeout, and sets up the health server.
  • Start Function: The Start function initiates the server by creating a network listener and serving incoming gRPC requests. It also manages health check status and logs server startup information.

Initializing and Starting the Application


main Function: The primary entry point of the application. Here's what happens step by step:

func main() {
cfg := config.InitConfig(false)
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Logger.Fatal("Error while starting app")
_, server := initGrpcModules(cfg)
log.Logger.Info("Application Started successfully on port 80")

func initGrpcModules(configuration *config.AppConfig) (*grpcserver.MovieGrpcServer, *grpc.Server) {
log.Logger.Info("starting grpc server ...")
server := grpc.NewServer(configuration)
movieServer := grpcserver.NewGrpcServer(server)
return movieServer, server

Configuration Initialization: config.InitConfig(false) initializes the application configuration, loading configuration parameters from environment variables and possibly configuration files.

  • Logger Initialization: initLogger(cfg) sets up the application logger based on the configured log level.
  • Panic Recovery: A deferred function with recover() is used to recover from panics, preventing the application from crashing unexpectedly. It logs a fatal message if a panic occurs.
  • gRPC Server Initialization: initGrpcModules(cfg) initializes the gRPC server and related modules. It returns a MovieGrpcServer and a Server.
  • Server Start: server.Start() starts the gRPC server, making it ready to handle incoming requests.

This main.go file serves as the central orchestrator, setting up configuration, logging, and initiating the gRPC server and related modules. It plays a crucial role in starting and managing the entire application.

Deploying and Testing the Golang gRPC Service

  1. Build the Application: Execute the “go build” command to compile the Golang code and prepare the executable. This step is crucial for generating the binary that can be deployed in various environments.
go build

2. Run the Application: Initiate the application by running the compiled binary. This can be done using either of the following commands:

go run main.go

Let’s now verify each accessible endpoint in our service. The journey starts by initiating the creation of a Movie and storing its specifics in the database. Following that, we will retrieve the identical information using a GET endpoint to validate its accuracy. To conclude, we’ll evaluate the update endpoint to affirm the successful updating of data in the datastore.

create movie
get by name
get all
update movie


In this journey through the realms of Golang, gRPC, and ScyllaDB, we’ve witnessed the seamless integration of these powerful technologies to build a robust and scalable microservice. Let’s recap our key achievements and explore the advantages that make this trifecta a compelling choice for modern application development.

Summary of Key Achievements

  • Microservice Harmony: Our microservice now stands tall, harmonizing the efficiency of Golang, the versatility of gRPC, and the scalability of ScyllaDB. The culmination of these technologies has paved the way for a resilient and high-performing system.
  • Data Handling Precision: Through meticulous data handling, we’ve achieved precision in storing and retrieving information. The usage of ScyllaDB ensures our distributed database meets the demands of our microservices architecture, providing both speed and reliability.

Advantages of Golang and gRPC

  • Golang’s Prowess: Golang’s performance and simplicity have played a pivotal role in our success. Its concurrency model, coupled with a robust standard library, has empowered us to develop a microservice that thrives in dynamic environments.
  • Efficient Communication with gRPC: Leveraging gRPC for communication between microservices has proven to be a game-changer. With its binary protocol and HTTP/2 support, we’ve achieved efficient and secure communication, reducing latency and optimizing resource utilization.

Closing Remarks

As we conclude this exploration of Golang, gRPC, and ScyllaDB, the horizon of possibilities expands. The journey doesn’t end here; it merely marks a new beginning. The openness of these technologies invites continuous exploration and innovation.

Embrace the advantages, experiment with variations, and contribute to the thriving communities surrounding Golang, gRPC, and ScyllaDB. Our microservices landscape is evolving, and your ideas and contributions can shape its future.

In our next article Unleashing gRPC Gateway in Golang, we will delve deeper into the integration of a RESTful JSON API alongside the robust gRPC architecture. This project is specifically designed to seamlessly merge an HTTP+JSON interface with your gRPC service. By making minimal configuration adjustments in your service to incorporate HTTP semantics, you can effortlessly generate a reverse proxy. This approach enhances the versatility of your service, allowing it to cater to a broader range of scenarios, making it an inclusive and adaptable solution for diverse application requirements.

Here’s to the synergy of technology, the spirit of open-source collaboration, and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Happy coding!

