AWS — Azure

Be Multi-Cloud Developer

Jitendra Bigtani
4 min readMar 15, 2020


Cloud developers are in hot demand in 2020. As of today, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform are the top three public cloud platforms. All of them are very rich platforms and it takes a lot of time to build expertise in any one of them. AWS and Azure both are competing with each other to become number one. While AWS has been on the top all the while, Azure has picked up pace in the last few years. Actually as per few reports, Azure adoption was more than AWS adoption in the year 2019.

I have been working on AWS for quite a while and recently picked up Azure. There are lots of services that are similar but exist with different names and subtle differences. In this post,I will map the services from these top two platforms so that if one has worked in any one platform, can easily understand the other platform. Of Course it will not be possible to put all the fine differences here but that is something can be built on once you understand the platform on a high level. This article will hopefully accelerate your journey to become a multi-cloud developer.

Before we get into each service, let’s look at how the service list looks like. Both platforms provide a huge number of services so it is not possible to grab a complete list in a single screenshot so I tried best to capture as much as possible to give you an idea on overall services.

First, let’s look at Azure portal.

Azure Portal — All services

Now look at the service list from AWS.

AWS Management Console — All Services

Now we will go one by one and compare services and some terms/ concepts from both platforms. We will go by Service Category starting with understanding some general terms.


AWS — Azure — General


AWS — Azure — Compute


AWS — Azure — Storage


AWS — Azure — Database


AWS — Azure — Containers


AWS — Azure — Networking

Networking Continues

AWS — Azure — Networking 2


AWS — Azure — Analytics

Machine Learning + AI

AWS — Azure — ML/AI


AWS — Azure — Monitoring

Management + Governance

AWS — Azure — Management+Governance


AWS — Azure — Migration


AWS — Azure — Integration

Security, Identity and Compliance

AWS — Azure — Security

Developer Tools

AWS — Azure — Devtools

Phew!! That is a lot of services. Isn’t it?

Of Course there are more services in other specialized categories like IoT, Media and Mobile and it is easy to map it yourself if you are really working in those areas.


Finally, I will end with some of the services / features for which I did not find corresponding features in other platforms. These are not the only differences but I have picked five randomly in no particular order.

Few AWS features found missing in Azure:

AWS Only

Few Azure features found missing in AWS:

Azure Only

I hope you have found the post useful!

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