MemberPress Pricing🤑: Choose The Perfect MemberPress Plan For Your Site.

Jitendra Vaswani Digital Marketer
6 min readFeb 18, 2024


When you’re setting up a website where people can sign up for special content or services, picking the right tool to manage those sign-ups is super important.

That’s where MemberPress comes in. It’s a favorite tool for lots of website owners because it makes it easy to offer subscription services. But, before you jump in, it’s smart to really get what it costs and how that fits with what you need.

This way, you can make sure you’re choosing the best option for your website without any surprises.

About Memberpress

MemberPress is a special tool that works with WordPress websites to help you create a membership or subscription area. Imagine you have a club, and you want only certain people who pay or sign up to enter and see the special stuff inside — that’s exactly what MemberPress helps you do, but online. It gives you the power to set up different levels of memberships, like a VIP section or a basic entry, depending on what your visitors are willing to pay or sign up for.

With MemberPress, you can also control who gets to see what is on your site. So, if you have some videos, articles, or courses that you only want your members to access, you can easily set that up. Plus, it handles all the sign-up details and payments, making your job a lot easier. It’s like having a bouncer at the door of your online club who knows exactly who’s allowed in and what privileges they get once they’re inside.

This tool is really handy for anyone looking to make their website exclusive for certain visitors, whether you’re sharing expert knowledge, offering courses, or creating a community space. It takes care of the techy side of things so you can focus on creating awesome content for your members.

Understanding MemberPress Pricing Structure

MemberPress offers four different plans, each designed to match the needs of different kinds of website creators, from beginners to seasoned pros. The plans include Elite, Pro, Plus, and Basic, each with its own set of features and savings.

👉Elite Plan:

Priced at $499.50 per year, normally $999, this plan is a half-off deal that’s perfect for ambitious creators looking to turn their projects into significant successes.

It allows use on up to 5 sites. It includes everything from the Basic, Plus, and Pro plans, plus extras like selling coaching programs through CoachKit™, tracking goals, automated reminders, unlimited students and coaches, and top-tier VIP support.

👉Pro Plan:

At $399.50 per year, down from $799, the Pro plan offers great value for professionals and advanced sites aiming for big results. It includes all the features of the Basic and plans, works on up to 3 sites, and adds exclusive features like and TaxJar integrations, the ability to sell corporate accounts and gifted memberships; order bumps at checkout, and premium support.

👉Plus Plan:

For $299.50 per year, originally $599, the Plus plan is ideal for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses. It builds on the Basic plan with use on up to 2 sites. It includes unlimited quizzes and certificates, advanced marketing and customization options, forums, and community add-ons, over 2000 Zapier integrations, and priority support.

👉Basic Plan:

At $179.50 per year, down from $359, the Basic plan is tailored for beginners starting their first membership site. It supports one site and comes with unlimited members and courses, Stripe and PayPal integration, subscription management, email automation, drip content, a ReadyLaunch™ page maker, content protection, a publisher paywall, coupon codes, email marketing integrations, basic add-ons, and standard support.

🔥Try Memberpress Now.

Each plan is designed to offer savings and features that cater to different stages of a membership site’s growth, from just starting to scaling up to reach larger audiences and achieve higher revenue goals.

Maximizing Value with MemberPress

Getting the most out of your MemberPress subscription means making smart choices about how you use it. Here are some strategies to help you do just that:

1. Figure Out What Your Site Needs

First off, take a good look at what your membership site is all about and what you want it to do. MemberPress has different plans because websites come in all sizes and have different needs.

Pick a plan that fits just right with what your site does and how big it is. If you’re starting, the Basic plan might be all you need. But if you’re aiming to grow big and have lots of members, you might want to look at the Plus or even the Elite plan.

2. Use All the Cool Features

MemberPress is packed with features that can help your membership site shine. No matter which plan you choose, make sure you’re using as many of these features as possible.

For example, you can protect content so only members can see it, manage subscriptions easily, and even automate emails to keep your members engaged. The more features you use, the more you can do with your site.

3. Add More Tools to the Mix

One of the best things about MemberPress is that it works well with other tools. This means you can add new functions to your site without a hassle. Whether it’s payment systems like Stripe and PayPal, email marketing tools, or even other WordPress plugins, these integrations can make your site more powerful and easier to manage.

Think about what tools can help your site do more or make things easier for you, and see how you can connect them with MemberPress.

👉To Read More About Memberpress Pricing, Click Here.

Which Plan to Choose and Why?

Starting Out? Pick the Basic Plan at $179.50 per year. It’s budget-friendly, supports one site, and gives you everything needed to kick off your first membership site, like creating unlimited courses and managing members.

Growing? The Plus Plan at $299.50 per year is ideal. It lets you work with up to 2 sites and brings advanced marketing tools, tons of integrations, including Zapier, and priority support to help expand your site.

Already a Pro? Go for the Pro Plan at $399.50 per year. With support for up to 3 sites, it includes advanced features like selling corporate accounts and special integrations, plus premium support for those big projects.

Aiming High? The Elite Plan at $499.50 per year is your match. Use it on up to 5 sites and access all features, including exclusive ones for scaling your project, like CoachKit™, and enjoy VIP support.

In short, start with Basic if you’re new, move to Plus as you grow, choose Pro for professional-level needs, and Elite when you’re ready to scale big.

FAQs on MemberPress Pricing

Q. Can I upgrade or downgrade my MemberPress plan later?

Ans: Yes, you can adjust your plan as your needs change. Upgrading gives you instant access to additional features while downgrading is applied at the end of your current billing cycle.

Q. Is there a refund policy for MemberPress?

Ans: MemberPress typically offers a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied within the first two weeks, you can get a full refund.

Q. Does MemberPress charge any transaction fees?

Ans: No, MemberPress does not charge any transaction fees. You keep all the revenue you generate from your membership site.

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Wrapping up, MemberPress offers a variety of plans to fit everyone’s needs, whether you’re just starting or you’re looking to grow your website big. With its clear pricing and plenty of features, you can pick the plan that’s just right for your project and budget.

Remember, it’s all about choosing the option that gives you the tools you need without overpaying. So please take a good look at what each plan offers, think about what you really need, and go for it.

MemberPress is here to help make your membership site a success, no matter where you’re starting from.

🔥Try Memberpress Now.

