Basic overview of Just In Time (JIT) Vs Ahead Of Time (AOT) Compilation in Angular Applications

Jitendra Kasaudhan
2 min readJul 12, 2017

The main differences between JIT and AOT in Angular are:

  • The time when the compilation takes place.
  • JIT generates JavaScript however, AoT usually generates TypeScript.
Just In Time Compilation
Ahead Of Time Compilation

Flow of events with Just-in-Time Compilation

  • Development of Angular application with TypeScript.
  • Compilation of the application with tsc.
  • Bundling.
  • Minification.
  • Deployment.

Once we’ve deployed the app and the user opens her browser, she will go through the following steps (without strict CSP):

  • Download all the JavaScript assets.
  • Angular bootstraps.
  • Angular goes through the JiT compilation process, i.e. generation of JavaScript for each component in our application.
  • The application gets rendered.

Flow of events with Ahead-of-Time Compilation

