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JavaScript: How is callback execution strategy for promises different than DOM events callback?
10 min readMay 4, 2018
As a JavaScript developer, first of all, I thought, why the heck do I need to understand the internals of browsers with respect to JavaScript? Sometimes I have been through a situation like “WHAT?? THIS IS STRANGE!!” but later on after diving deeper into the subject matter, I realized that it’s important to understand a bit of how browser and JS engine work together. I hope this article will provide a bit of guidance to predict the correct behavior of your JS code and minimize strange situations.
Basically, this article covers following sub topics
- Quiz to predict the output of the sample JS code.
- An overview of browser, event loop, JS engine, event loop queues.
- How browser executes DOM events(click, http requests) and its callback?
- How is callback execution strategy for promises different than DOM events callback?
- Different execution strategy of tasks queued in Task queue and Micro task queue.
- What kind of tasks are queued in Task queue and Micro task queue?
- Conclusion (Answers to the quiz).
- Quiz to predict the output of the sample JS code
Test 1: What would be the sequence of log messages of following JS code?
Running example can be found here .