42 Million, 14 Million, 2 Million…What a year!

2 min readJan 25, 2022


January 2022

Happy New Year from the Jiva team!

Last year, Jiva grew from a handful of passionate people in Singapore to a 200+ employee organization spanning Singapore, Jakarta, Makassar, East Java, Bengaluru, and beyond. Together, we have reached over 60,000 farmers in our debut market, South Sulawesi.

Over three growing seasons, Jiva grew from an unknown entity to commanding an average 30% market share in our target regencies.

● We conducted hundreds of hours of user interviews.

● We met with political leaders, spoke at global innovation summits, and were recognized by name in Singapore’s national budget address.

● We studied the effects of our advice on over 100 farmers and found that 85% saw an increase in yield, with an average increase of 40% per farmer.

● We reviewed, rebuilt, and shipped an entirely new app to better support our agents.

We did the math and found that in just one year, we…

● Purchased 42 MILLION kilograms of maize

● Paid US$14 MILLION to farmers for their crops

● Provided over US$2 MILLION in low-cost financing to nearly 8,000 farmers

…And we’re just getting started on our journey to re-imagine agricultural and food systems and empower hundreds of millions of farmers around the world. We look forward to carrying our momentum into 2022 and beyond.

Interested in Jiva? Follow us on Linkedin and Twitter or reach out at hello@jiva.ag




Jiva is on a mission to empower millions of farmers across the world with digital solutions built for their specific needs.