Shark Finning: The Decline of our Marine Ecosystem.

Jordan Ivey
3 min readDec 1, 2018


Is Shark Finning ethical?

Sharks are often called “beautiful creatures of the sea,” these marine giants have been roaming the ocean floors for over 400 million years. These animals have bypassed four mass extinctions throughout history, but in today’s world, they face another issue that could cause some species of sharks to become extinct.

Shark Finning is an act of overfishing being done across the globe. Shark Finning has been an ancient asian dynasty for decades and since then the shark population has made an ample decrease for the marine ecosystem about 75% of the shark population has plummeted since the 1970’s.

Shark Finning is a very violent practice done in many lower developed countries. The shark finning capitol of the world is actually Hong Kong, shark fins are sold for 300 USD per pound which brings in a-lot of money to their Economy.

What are the effects on the environment, from Shark Finning?

Sharks keep the ecosystem in check by executing weaker and sick animals and keeping a balance between other competing species to keep the ocean diversity. When sharks remove sick or abnormal fish, it keeps the necessary balance so that the fish that have a healthier gene may carry on producing a stronger ecosystem.

Shark Fin Soup

When it comes to shark fin soup, “the shark fin is not used to add flavor or nutrients but simply for texture” (Ramsay) showing that the shark fins are not actually benefiting the human body. Gordon Ramsay, a food specialist, and well known chef presented a 47-minute documentary highlighting how the sharks are being affected, throughout the video, Ramsay visits Hong Kong and Taiwan and records everything he is seeing, when asking about shark fins people run and hide, and store all evidence away. At one part in the video, Ramsay asks if he may join the fisherman on the boat and they told him no, and Ramsay was told to leave.

Shark Finning Is Not Ethical

Shark finning is Horrifying. The sharks are often thrown back into the ocean still alive and are forced to sink to the bottom of the ocean and die, all for a bowl of soup. Something more needs to be done before these sharks become extinct. The animal Humane Society and Wild Aid are working together to put a stop to Shark Finning but more can be done and should be done. Shark Finning needs to should be stopped. It is an unethical act that is damaging the world’s marine ecosystem and causing these magnificent creatures to be severely endangered. The laws are being broken every day, regulations need to be and should set higher, and this needs to be a topic that is reviewed by more people on a global level, or things will get worse with time.

