Jessica Jones
2 min readSep 4, 2019

Shooting a Blowgun: Do It in the Right Way!

Blowguns is an interesting part of many ancient civilizations for the precision and power this primitive weapon possesses. In comparison to other antique weapons, the blowgun has competitive benefits for a distance it travels with a little effort. Nowadays, these guns are frequently being used for target shooting and hunting. If you want to shoot like ancient tribes, don’t forget to go through the below-listed tips.

Loading the Dart

The foremost thing you should do is to figure out the forward-facing pointed tip side of the dart and secure it into the gun. Make sure the sharp tip is positioned in the right direction when loading the weapon. While the back of the dart should fit perfectly into the bore. Once you do this, it will restrict the friction and resistance as the dart covers the distance. It’s important to practice how far you can put the dart and make sure to follow the right technique.

Hold the Gun

To hold your gun properly, your dominating hand should be positioned securely about a quarter of the distance down the barrel. The other hand should be stretched out down the length of the barrel. It will make sure you have sufficient support across the whole length. Subsequently, it will improve the precision of your shot.

How to Aim

Similar to holding a rifle, you must ensure that your blowgun is stable with a firm hand grip. For this, you will need to close your non-dominate eye that will assist you in focusing the target more accurately. If you are not sure about your dominating eye, point out your finger at an object positioned far away while keeping your eyes open. Your finger will be aligned with the target when your intervening eye is open. If you have a moving target or if it placed far away, you must adjust your aim to be overhead or in front and aim precisely.

Puff Properly and Blow the Dart

Remember every dart will travel at a different distance and speed primarily depending on the strength of your breathing. Also, it will be influenced by the overall length of the barrel. You will have a better shooting if you have a long barrel and a strong breath. Also, hold it until you are correctly keen-sighted in and blow with force. It will make sure you have the longest flying path possible.

I hope this article has given you a few insights to use your blowgun in the best way possible. If you have any other tips to share, I would love to hear from you.