How to Tell Which Parts of Your Life You Should Improve

A simple method that will help you to narrow down your focus

Jakub Jančík
3 min readMar 7, 2023

Any personal development is amazing and to be applauded. Working on yourself allows you to live a happier life for many reasons.

Yet, sometimes, we are not 100% sure which aspects of our lives we should try to improve. I bet you know what I mean by that.

Well, luckily, you can make the decision-making process easier for you.

Photo by Devon Hawkins on Unsplash

Let's look at how you can do that.

Draw from the past

There is no better source of information to show us which parts of our lives are lacking than our past.

You have two options here — try to recall everything from your memory or by noting down what you did throughout the year or another period.

When it comes to working, there is usually some history available from which you can draw information that should help you in case you want to focus on improving something that will help you with your current employment.



Jakub Jančík

Father, husband, and lifelong learner sharing bits and pieces he gathered throughout his life.