Dear Medium

About your new subscription service…

jason john bartholomew
1 min readApr 15, 2017


I’m sorry what I mean is…no.

Let me let you in on MY business plan. I write. Every day. I make no money doing it, which sucks because I don’t think I, as a writer, don’t suck. Well, sometimes, but not as a rule. I just have no idea how to make th scribblings make some coin, and if I dwell on it too much I start to hyperventilate.

Between my one job, the aforementioned one that doesn’t pay, and my trips to the food bank and funding a vice because, well, because I’m fucking entitled to one at this point, plus the odds and ends that keep me from looking as crazy as I’m starting to feel (like soap and socks), I don’t have five dollars a month for you and even if I did, no. This writing gig is costing me plenty, I think.

I only came over here because everyone insisted I should. So I did. I have no idea how to get my stuff seen or where and, fuck…where’s my paper breathing bag.

The short of it is…no. I’m am not paying any new anyone for the right to write. I have to pay for contests, I have to pay for mailings to publishers, I have to pay for my blog, I have to pay for…you know what? Fuck you. No.

