CS 371P Spring 2024: Julia Elias

Julia Elias
2 min readFeb 18, 2024


What did you do this past week?

I finished up project 2 with my partner. We mostly worked on writing our unit tests as well as refactoring our code. We finished up all the remaining issues on GitLab and got our pipeline to pass which was exciting.

What’s in your way?

Just got to prep for the next project at this point and read the specs. Hoping to review the content from last class as well so I can maybe eventually do ok on the quiz.

What will you do next week?

I will review last class’s material and hopefully meet up with my new partner to plan ahead for the next project.

What did you think of Paper #5. The Single Responsibility Principle.

I found it pretty helpful and a good review especially as we begin a new project and prepare for the industry in general. I think upholding the single responsibility principle could have prevented a lot of debugging that I’ve had to do in the past when I was working through my messy, very much interdependent code.

What did you think of of arrays, equal(), and reverse()? (This question will vary, week to week.)

I thought it was interesting to learn about the different types of iterators and how they are used for vectors, lists, etc. I think I’ll have to review the limitations of each iterator so I remember how they are implemented and used but it seems to be fairly intuitive.

What made you happy this week?

I volunteered at the packet pick-up for the Austin Marathon this Saturday, which is basically when all the runners pick up their bibs. It’s always fun checking in people because I get to talk to people from all around the United States and even around the world. As a runner, it’s really inspiring to meet runners who’ve raced in ultra-marathons and all kinds of other crazy intense races.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Something that has just helped me in class is taking handwritten notes. It can feel like a waste to write down the same thing that Downing types, but when I review for quizzes, I realize I’m able to grasp the material better because I can read my little side-notes and I can focus more in class when I’m also writing down the notes.

