The Eternal Search for Truth

Framework for a New Theoretical Philosophical Model of Intelligence

Philosophy of Intelligence
3 min read1 day ago

Where do we come from? Who are we? And where are we going?

What happens to Spirituality and Philosophy when civilizations reach a scientific and technological level where the great mysteries of the universe seem to be resolved? What happens to Science and Technology when humanity loses connection with its true purpose and inner meaning?

One aspect that has always accompanied us is the search for answers in the mystery of what is hidden, of the unknown. That search that should solve all our deficiencies and finally provide the right answers to the questions: Where do we come from? Who are we? And where are we going?

It is precisely this mystery and these deficiencies that push us, as human beings, into the eternal search for meaning that gives purpose to our existence and finally resolves our innate feeling of incompleteness.

A crucial aspect of Being, which often goes unnoticed in our daily lives, is narrative that invisible thread of stories that weave our identity, beliefs, and life goals, anchoring them deep within us to our convictions, beyond any logic or reason.

From a superficial point of view, it may seem that technology and science go one way, and spirituality and philosophy another, but in reality, they are just two natural sides of the essential universal duality, such as mind and matter. At their core, all four fields pursue the same goal: the natural quest for the underlying truth in everything.

The Relativity of Truth

We should recognize that there is no single path to truth, as the true truth lies in embracing our inherent multiplicity and plurality in billions of different forms. The narratives and stories that shape our beliefs are an inherent part of the journey each individual must take and perfectly fulfill the function of accompanying our life’s path so that it can unfold.

Some seek the truth through the development of Technology. And they are not wrong, because their fascination comes instinctively, as the Universe uses it naturally to simulate itself as individuality and thus experience itself. Others seek the truth through Science. And they are not wrong, since Science is the very foundation of the pursuit of knowledge that gives an evolutionary sense to our earthly existence.

Others seek the truth through Philosophy. And they are not wrong, because without it we could not intellectually understand the why and what for of our actions, their implications, and consequences, nor attempt to comprehend Being, which is existence itself, as well as intellectually mature and learn to filter the true Knowledge that enriches and sustains us as rational, thinking individuals.

Others seek the truth through Spirituality. And they are not wrong, because without it we cannot understand that we are something broader and deeper than what is merely apparent or simulated; that we are more than an egotistical, subjective individuality, ultimately. Spirituality is essential for understanding that we are and form part of something much larger, the Network of Totality itself.

To each of these paths, every person adds a certain personal, cultural, social, and circumstantial narrative with which they identify and that helps them follow their natural course. And this must be respected because Narrative is fundamental in the experience that leads from the path to truth to the plural truth.

In this plural truth, we must find common ground to converge toward a broader reality beyond just our own. And this broader truth may perhaps involve beginning to transcend the immense number of different narratives that divide us so that, finally together, we can start solving all the mysteries.

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Philosophy of Intelligence

Independent Philosopher, Researcher of the new Philosophy of Intelligence