Why You’re Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Everywhere

Jungjin Moon
3 min readMar 15, 2022


It’s not a coincidence that you keep seeing the same numbers everywhere — it’s a message for you. Personally, I appreciate these synchronicities as a sign that the Universe is supporting me and I’m not that into the meanings of the numbers. I have to talk about birthday numbers though. Because so much has changed in my life since seeing this number. This is what it means to see your birthday numbers, how it’s played out for me, and what I’ve learned.

Photo by Nikhita Singhal on Unsplash

What it means to see your birthday numbers

Happy Birthday to the new you

You’re experiencing a re-birth. This could be an internal transformation in your beliefs, perspectives, and values, or an external change in your lifestyle and appearance. No matter how it shows up, you’re letting go of what no longer suits you and replacing that with new energy and ideas. When I started seeing my birthday numbers, I decided to move out of the city, ended a relationship, and started writing on Medium — all in the span of two weeks.

Welcome to a new chapter

You’re about to or you’ve just begun a new chapter in your life. The Universe gave me a heads up by showing me my birthday numbers before I started experiencing any changes. Right after my breakup, I saw this number, and lately, I’ve been seeing this number when I feel self-doubt or fear about the changes in my life. This number reassures me that these experiences are part of the process of closing one chapter and beginning a new one.

Celebrate the changes in your life

Change can be stressful. I’ve been anxious and rushing to get through this transition. Seeing your birthday numbers is a reminder to slow down and celebrate this transition. Reflect on all the steps that led you to this transformation, the people and experiences that helped you expand, and how much you’ve grown since a year or two ago. Your birthday numbers are a sign that you should be celebrating you and your growth.

i will never have
this version of me again
so let me slow down
and be with her

always evolving — rupi kaur

Advice if you’re seeing your birthday numbers

  • Trust that you’re being supported. Once I started taking this synchronicity as a sign that my transformation is being guided by the Universe, I felt more safe and at ease. And once I loosened my grip, things began to flow and I started receiving unexpected support.
  • Be curious. Change doesn’t have to be scary if you choose to welcome, or at least accept, the experience with curiosity. Replacing fear of the unknown and resistance towards change with open curiosity has helped me to feel more grounded during this transition.
  • Be present. With a growing to-do list as I prepare for my move, I’m constantly thinking ahead and struggling to be present, even during meditation. So now I’m trying to catch myself when I’m stuck in my head and shift my focus to my breath. Setting an intention to consciously practice being present has been really important for me.

The fact that you’re seeing your birthday numbers means the Universe wants you to know that you’re being guided and supported. Appreciate the signs and trust that this transformation is for your highest good.

