Mark Manson: How the Blogger Turned Author Made Millions Online From Writing

How Mark Manson became uber-successful in blogging

J.J. Pryor


“Mark Manson Headshot” by Maria Midoes is licensed under Creative Commons

If you aren’t familiar with the blogger Mark Manson, perhaps you’ve seen one of his f*cking novels on the shelf at your local bookseller:

Image credit: Mark Manson Amazon

That’s where I first came across this gentleman. The books were in the bestseller section and I was slightly bemused/shocked at the titles — as I’m sure most people are at first.

But despite their triggering nature, his titles are a great gateway to what his writing style is all about.

“His book is the foul-mouthed, funny-as-hell, dead-on elephant on the best-seller lists.” — Katharine Pushkar

His niche? Contra-self help advice.

Mark takes the best of the best of the self-help publishing industry and “translates some of those ideas into language that your average, overworked 26-year-old will understand.

And he’s clearly struck a chord with his intended audience.

His best-selling book — The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck — has over 9 million copies sold



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer |