The best milkshake flavors to have on a hot summer day

5 min readOct 2, 2023


top 3 awesome flavors you will love

  1. Kinda Beuno and Oreo

you can never go wrong with kinder Bueno

Kinda Beuno and Oreo milkshake

Get ready to have the greatest summer holiday ever, it’s a flavor that you can use on a picnic or for relaxation at home. It is a combination of flavors that makes your mouth feel wild. It melts instantly in your mouth and the taste is one to crave. So let’s get into this amazing rollercoaster flavor.

Kinder! Kinder!

A flavor that makes you feel like a baby, you could run outside on a rainy day in the mud, it brings the memories of childhood, who doesn't like being curdled? but this time the curdling is in the mouth. So if you are tired or had a hectic day, here is a homemade, sweet cozy flavor. I am serious! this flavor will make you have goosebumps. It promises to make your summer a memorable season.

Cocoa, milk, and sugar are some of the ingredients that make up kinder(chocolate is almost everyone’s favorite).


A biscuit-like no other

If you do not know Oreo you must be living under a rock, Oreo is a top-notch biscuit. You can have it for breakfast, lunch even as a dessert, anytime is Oreo time, You can carry it for work, or pack it for your little ones, I love Oreo, that innocent taste of chocolate, with wheat flour, yes wheat! no wonder it’s filling and rich.

Let’s transfer it into a cup


if it is a cup full

One Kinder Bueno, a full cup of full-fat milk, or skimmed your choice

sprinkle some powdered milk, it’s optional, Oreo, and a little bit of sugar that's if you have sweet teeth if not the Oreo and kinder should provide some sugar. You use honey too if need be.

Now let’s blend already, why the delay?

Grab your blender, I love to start with the liquid first, so start with your milk, then, the kinder, Oreo, the powdered milk, and some sugar then blend,

just stay back and watch the blender do its magic, while you watch the awesome flavors mix so tenderly.

Once you have a brownish-thick beverage, put it in a cup, I know it looks tempting and inviting. yes, your eyes will do the drinking before your taste buds do because of how it looks. Then serve with your favorite toppings

As for me, I love whooped cream, with some colored candy

Spoil yourself just for a moment, you deserve the best.

just help for toppings, you can use any of these

  • Gourmet Popcorn Flavors. Probably one of the most popular toppings is caramel corn. …
  • Cotton Candy. What can make your milkshake more whimsical than whisps of cotton candy? …
  • Funnel Cakes. Imagine a milkshake inspired by carnival food. …
  • Waffles. …
  • Fudge. …
  • Caramel or Candy Apple


Oh my God!, this is more delicious than any cup of tea or juice I have ever seen. It's a table that makes you feel special and loved. I thought ladies looked more like Vanilla no offense to men because this delicious shake looks delicious just in the cup. When I was selling my milkshake 80% of the ladies who were my customers went for guess what? Vanilla. But come on men you can always join in the fun, it’s not like when you drink a milkshake loved by ladies will make you a lady or less of a man.

All you may need

A full cup of full-fat milk, Vanilla essence, just a spoon or two will be ok.

Sugar will be needed because the essence on its own is insufficient, honey can be an option. This milkshake is as simple as this, no need to have a headache, it’s very simple and convenient.

3. Strawberry milkshake

Strawberries, a shouting color, they are so beautiful to behold.

I love this fruit, you too can because the milkshake that comes out of it is so delicious. I know to some eating them just like that may not be ideal, but when you blend it with some ingredients, oops, it’s nothing you have tasted. So what are we waiting for, let’s see how it made

A full cup of milk full fat or skimmed your choice,5–6 strawberries, sugar, powdered strawberry milkshake. Just blend and watch this mixture turn into an amazing beverage. Drop some ice just to make it cold and yes it’s ready to serve. Enjoy the fun in a cup, and allow your nerves to be calm. Remember not to eat the glass, it is a glass, not an ice cream cone that is edible.

Have a wonderful summer, so if you have other flavors to share, I would like to hear from you, from the list or your list.




I am a passionate writer, blogger, email copies. I studied Business Administration at Near east University North Cyprus and currently learning Data analytics.