Reaction to Reaction To The Past

Lauren Swintek
1 min readApr 20, 2017


In the RTTP game that the class and I played, I have a few comments opinions, and suggestions on how to make it better. On the whole, I did enjoy the game. I enjoyed living out the conflicts and dilemmas of 1920’s New York and becoming a personality that seemed different from my own. Though I was able to live out the same values, like feminism, my character, Henrietta Rodman, was much more vocal and divisive than I normally am. Trying to be angry and accusatory in debates is not my strong suite, though I do like to participate. I think it showed me what total conviction in one’s beliefs can feel like. However, it took a while to get to the point where I felt like I really understood Henrietta Rodman and the time she came from, and I don’t think I or the rest of the class was adequately prepared historically. Therefore there were often lulls during sessions where no one quite knew what to do. I am not sure if that is also a result of lack of structure or lack of knowledge or both. Perhaps if we had more time to get into both the characters and the era we could have been more productive. By the end of the game we were having fruitful, provocative debates, but we lost time getting to that point.

