Sunflower Hair

To be a golden girl in a silver world

2 min readApr 26, 2022

Clumsy fingers dance across her head shimmering with the grease that lubricates her scalp

Like a sequined dress

Soft as a newborn’s breath

Yet aflame from the sparks of her passion to master

The basket weaved strands that carry her identity

Her heritage

Braided crowns rest above our souls as ethereal as an angel’s halo

Glowing with the gold that is our tradition, that is our skin glistening underneath the rays of our sun

Junior Reis — Unsplash

Her aching arms do not compare to her ancestor’s endless agony

Planting rice grains within kinky crowns to live

The prominent symbol of her culture with skin between stressed temples sorrowfully singing the suffering of past souls

Stretched like overtaxed gymnasts tangled in ruby ribbon

Waves of pride swell against the weary coasts of her history

Her cornrows sway in the gentle wind

Beneath a harvest moon

Her roots are rooted in the soil of her culture

Etty Fidele — Unsplash

And she plants the seed of this beloved skill, the embryonic effort of braiding into her untilled hands

Fingers embedded into the fresh dirt of this exquisite experience

Our hair blooms towards the sun like a sunflower

Like the faces of her forefathers gazing upon the North Star and her sunflower strands eternally reach for the heavens

Stems interlocked like the blood of our brothers and sisters running through different veins

Infused with the stories that are braided into scalps during summer days

Like our souls and history

Her hair, our hair is seldom tamed by the hands of others

Nemuel Sereti — Unsplash

❤ This was just a poem about the important tradition that is braiding for the black community, stay tuned for more soon to come ~❤




Aspiring poetess and writer~ I find joy in studying about my passions & beneficial topics, sharing it with whoever is willing to listen or in this case, read.