Peter Sallis, the Guy that Voiced Wallace and Gromit, is dead as a doornail

2 min readJun 6, 2017


RIP in Peace to this dude, but lets try and move passed the death of a 96 year old man and get down to what is really important, Wallace and Gromit SUCKS. Every time I watched the 30 minutes of clay moving I get a headache, unless it is voiced by Danny Elfman, the voice of a generation…

But seriously, does anyone have a favorite moment from Wallace and Gromit? No. Do you know why? Because it sucked. British stuff is only good when we americanize the shit out of it (House of Cards, Shameless, The Office). Not to mention that the show sucked, but this was a childrens show and Wallace is an absolute mutant.

Just look at this greasy asshole. Looks like a middle school guidance counselor that shouldn’t be a middle school guidance counselor. Anyway, Sallis seemed like a good dude. Not his fault that I enjoy stuff thats fun.

