Getting Your Team To Like Your Good Idea

Joshua Saunders
7 min readSep 23, 2019
Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

You know you have a good idea. I know you have a good idea. But others don’t seem to be convinced — maybe you get passed over in the meeting room, or your project proposals go unread.

But no more! Let’s explore some reasons why your ideas may not be gaining traction and how you can sharpen up how you share them with your team.

Is It Actually A Good Idea?

The first step to getting any project or idea actioned is it actually being good. While it’s definitely possible to get a bad idea on a roadmap, that’s of course not your goal. How can you know if it’s a good idea before putting it out there to your team?

Ask a coworker for early feedback. A friend in the industry would also do the trick. Have them read over an outline of your idea or even just have a quick discussion over lunch. Do they like it? Do they have any questions that you didn’t think of? In the same way that code reviewers or proofreaders catch issues early, getting an early read will help you address blindspots.

Another reason to do your best to know that there is value in your idea is that a reputation of having bad ideas is hard to break. Even the most respectful coworkers may struggle to seriously consider what you’re putting forward if they’ve gotten used to you having low-value ideas.



Joshua Saunders

Senior software developer at Klipfolio. I love writing about all things dev and faith. to connect!