The Bitter Brew: Zane’s Life in Liquor

Personal drabble of a friend I know.

Photo by Heshan Perera on Unsplash

Self-destruction was all that Zane learned.

Another night down. Empty bottles everywhere.

Party after party. Drink after drink. Shot after shot.

Zane was an alcoholic. Just like his daddy.

A lover of the bottle. A prisoner to his own pain.

Loneliness and depression were familiar friends.

Divorced parents. A shattered home. A fragmented heart.

What was he to do?

The rational: drink the problems away. Poison upon poison.

The drinks helped but only for a bit. A conscience seared by the power of the liquids.

Actions gone. Emotions enflamed. A wrecked life.

Self-sabotage was all that Zane knew.



Jay K. M. Bowman

The Sundry Storypreneur. Storytelling for all of life. I write content for companies, bands, authors, and others through the powerful lens of narrative.