My reflections on Andela’s EPIC values

John Chishugi
2 min readSep 3, 2019


In this simple blog, I am going to dive into some facts about my reflections on Andela Epic Values.

So, what Epic means at andela? Epic is actually that mottos or values that drive andelans and every person who would wish to join Andela as it’s said by andelans : “we do believe that every person has superpowers and they can help you to unlock them.”
Epic Stands for Excellence, Passion, Integrity, Collaboration so let us go throughout all of these concepts.


Excellence is the fact that one should work harder and manage to give the best of himself and this will be achieved through continuous update and long-life learning and that being something that impresses me the most at Andela as Andelans often work on full-stack skills which helps to implement better solutions for problems and becoming limitless through continuous challenges and real-life problem cases.

Excellence is directly linked to growth mindset because believing that abilities can be improved impacts achievement because through this you become used to any problem case and embody the best solution cases no matter how complex the problem is.


I believe I can change the world and I act accordingly to my belief. While working with others I constantly seek to inspire them and to be inspired by them. I approach every goal with greet energy and conviction.

When it comes to integrity andela culture ensures that the codes and other resources that are exposed to the community are the authentic ones to mean that andelans cannot post as the owners the works that do not belong to them so to become an andelan someone most yearns some values and ethics.


I know that all I do is a reflection of the values I profess. I embrace the added responsibility of leading by example and want others to hold me accountable. I know Integrity is everything I say and everything I do which is a true reflection of what I value and what is important to me. Integrity is a two-way responsibility: as others hold me accountable, I hold myself and others accountable. It means we challenge each other but at the same time we are really friends.


Collaboration is a fact at Andela and they do believe that “Our sum is greater than our parts.” to mean that for some tasks it’s better to do them in collaboration or team and that’s where comes the concept of fellowship. furthermore as stated in the andela pre-fellowship honor code they maintain a safe, helpful and friendly community for everyone who wishes to join regardless of the experience he has when it comes to technology”.

