What to do when suffering from bad credit?

22 min readMar 12, 2019


What to do when suffering from bad credit?

Answer : I suggest one to try this web page where one can get from the best companies: https://tinyurl.com/y6zvgvhq .

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My mortgage loan officer told me to close 2 of my credit cards?
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“”Where can I find a Private Student Loan that DONT do credit checks?””””””
I will be starting class online at University of Phoenix. My FAFSA and everything is not enough for my expenses. I need a private loan that I can payback once graduated. I need maybe 4–5 thousand at the most. NO ONE can co-sign for me so that is NOT an option. My credit score is in the low 500 so its not good at all. I would prefer a student loan but also if you could give me websites on loans period that would be good also. NO PAYDAY LOANS! and remember….NO CREDIT CHECKS……Specifically for Students or people in general with LOW credit score, NO credit or BAD credit. And I dont need ignorant remarks, PLEASE ONLY RESPOND WITH HELPFUL INFO! I would like guaranteed APPROVAL… Thank You in advance””
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Anywhere you can actually get a FREE credit report?
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Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?
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“”If I claim bankruptcy will it affect my finalized loan modification, or could I lose my home?””
I am considering filing for bankruptcy because I have about $30,000 in back debt due to my previous marriage. During the divorce the Judge split the debts between my ex-husband and I which we incurred during our marriage. I have paid off the debts assigned to me but my ex has not. After the divorce was finalized I contacted the creditors as suggested, and submitted copies of the divorce decree to them outlining the Judges judgment. I was told that the Judges decision didn’t matter since I was the person who signed the contracts. My ex husband’s credit was horrible so pretty much everything we acquired was placed in my name. I refuse to pay and I also can not afford to pay the back debts that I was relieved of during the divorce. What repercussions do I face if I claim bankruptcy?””
How old do you have to be to get a loan?
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“”Does checking your credit score, make it it go down?””
if i have bad credit and checking my credit score, does it make it worse? i heard this and i don’t know if its true””
How much trouble am I in if I didn’t satisfy the lien on my auto loan before selling the car?
I bought a project car with an auto loan from my bank. I was able to add an additional amount to the loan for the new engine and transmission. I recently sold the vehicle for the initial amount of the loan but still have and owe on the additional engine. I made the mistake of not adding the bank as the lien holder on the title and the title is now with the new owner. I’ve paid off this initial loan amount, but the bank is now asking for the title, which I don’t have. There is a balance left until the engine and transmission are sold. How much trouble am I in and what should my next steps with the bank be? “”
Why can’t I sign up to Citibank credit card OL?
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“What to do when suffering from bad credit?

What is discharged in chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Are judgements discharged in chapter 7 bankruptcy. Example if you were evicted from an apartment or house. Also if you own your vehicle will they take that or do you get to keep it? And how long does it take for your credit score to improve and for you to be able to apply for credit again?
What’s the best payday loan service on the net please.?

Where can i get a loan quick with bad credit?

How and where could you get identity theft protection? thx?
how and where could you get identity theft protection? thx
How to take loan on Agri Land in India?
I want to purchase a land in rural area in my city pune for residential purpose. I propose to build house over the same. The seller has allotted plots in the land for everyone for selling purpose. This scenario is there for a quiet long time in Pune, India. I approached many banks but they say that they do not provide loan on land especially agri land. They say if the plot is not NA then they cannot provide loan. Is there any way out ? How do these rural people take loan against land in india and build houses ? Please help me, If I go for personal loan, then the rate of interest is so high that I cannot go for purchase, so do all people take loan at such high interest rates and purchase plots ? Is there any tricky way out ? Please help. Thank you. Please do not tell me to approach any bank and ask for details, I had already done it. I want you to suggest any institution where it is possible at home loan rates i.e 9.25 to 9.5%””
Gave my credit card info to scam/fake website. What will happen?
Hi I wanted to buy some shoes at shoesfy.com and I gave them my credit card information and my name and everything, they even asked for the name of the bank (issue bank) my date of birth, name…and it said that the payment failed so I did some reaserch and found out the website was a scam that pretended to sell real designer shoes at low prices. Should I be worried? I deleted the cookies of the website if that changed anything. Is there a way they can rob ALL of my money in the bank under that number of my credit card?””
Will I be able to refinance my auto loan without a paying job?
I am unhappy with my current bank that my loan is through, and would like to refinance through another company. However, I am a stay at home mom. Can I use my husbands paystub as proof of income? he is not a co- owner of my vehicle.””
Should I file for bankruptcy while I am still unemployed?
I’ve been out of job for long time, plus medical bills and I am facing foreclosure, as well as months of unpaid c/card and one unsecured loan bills. I don’t think I can pay both mortgage and c/card bills. I want to keep the house and the only way out of this situation I see is to file for bankruptcy. I finally have good job offer in my field that i am about to accept. I wonder if I should file while I am still unemployed, or when I have a job. Thank you””

How can I get $20 online quickly?
I know there are many sites that pay money for doing offers”””” and surveys. What is the best one with which I can make $20? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… — Must not require me to recruit people. — Must not require me to purchase anything. Free trials are OK. I would like to make the $20 in a couple days or so. If all these criteria can not possibly be met””
Is there truly a free credit report score?or do they just give you a report and then bill you?

Why do people bother their friends and family for loans when payday loan companies exist?
I know payday loan companies approve people with bad credit….. so why do they bother their friends and family (which is far more awkward)? so they don’t pay the insane interest rates”””” — — sometimes friends and family make agreements that involve insane interest rates so that can’t be why.””””””
Decreased credit card interest rates while deployed or on Active Duty?
I know that the SCRA says that credit card companies cannot charge more than 6% interest for debt incurred BEFORE active duty service. Are there any laws or such that help or require your interest rate to be dropped while deployed or on Active Duty? Also, my credit card company has been charging me for a Credit Holder Security Plan which I have called to cancel many times, and still each month it shows up on my statement, does anyone know what I can do about that?””
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Anyone know of Apartments in Orlando Florida that rent to people who have filed bankruptcy?
My husband and I are looking for a place to rent, preferably a duplex or townhouse that has no problem with people who have had to file bankruptcy and lost their home in the process. We also have a 60 pound Border Collie. I am also looking for maybe a website that would list such rentals as being willing to work with bad credit.””

Where can i get a bad credit online loan that is not a payday loan?

Can I include sales tax into a used auto loan?
I am purchasing a used car through my credit union. Does anyone know if I will have to have the Tax up front in the state of Ohio. I can’t seem to find an answer on that. Thanks
“”With (really)bad credit, if I put down 50% or 60% can I get a mortgage?””
Debts are paid off, but it took a long time. The family is looking for a fresh start in a new state…but it’s a family of 5 plus in-laws…so we need a decent size living space.””
What are my options for an auto loan with poor credit? (detailed)?
I live in the state of Wisconsin. 99% of negative accounts have been removed from my credit report due to the length of time they occurred. I have a tax lien (paid), medical bill (paid) and ongoing utility account in good standing that remain, and I do not have a lengthy history of credit.. My Experian score is 635 and Transunion is 532 if that helps a little. I’ve been at the same employer for a year and a half, and have rented the same apartment for over a year. (I know I’ve heard they look at those things too sometimes.) I am seriously looking to build my scores from this point on, but need an auto loan right now. Is there an estimate of what a person with my credit would pay for an interest rate, or where the best place for a loan would be? I can put down between $2000–2500, and am looking to borrow between $6–8000 for a used car.””
Visa Debit Card won’t work online.?
I have the information of the card. And I’m using it like a credit card, Visa said this was posssible, and I have the card. All the information but it isn’t working for online transactions.””
How do i get a free credit report online without paying anything?

If i use a Gamestop giftcard do i still need a credit card?
let’s say i buy a 35$ game and use a 50$ gift card. But the total sums up to around 45$ for overnight shipping. Do they still require credit card information or am i all set? And let’s say if i use a 40$ gift card AND use an edge card with around 7$ on it, can i use both together to make a payment and will it require a credit card also?””
Question about a loan?
Alright, here’s the deal: My husband has two medical collections against his credit and I don’t have any credit at all but we’ve got a friend who is willing to co-sign a loan so that we can get a car. We were hoping for $2000 as we want a decent car and our friend has amazing credit. My husband has a job making about $1800 a month (this will be increasing in December as he will be getting a raise) so we would be able to make the payments easily since our rent right now is cheap. We were wondering, though, since we’re both rather young and since we are going to be in college come this fall semester, what our possibilities are. What banks should we go to and would the desired $2000 be too much to ask for? Thanks in advance for your answers. Please do not tell us how young and stupid we are, we really need this car so that he can get back and forth to work and school. All we need is sound advice.””

“What to do when suffering from bad credit?



Can anybody give details of institutions that give loan against property without proof of income and guarontor
in chennai ( india)
What are the best DVD discs for burning Wii games?
I’ve been using RiData DVD-R any they play ok, but time to order some more so I was wondering what is considered the BEST discs for Wii games? I mean a) brand and b) -R or +R ? Also FYI I use the inkjet printable.””
USAA keeps adding interest to my auto loan?
I have an auto loan with USAA, I have been with this bank for almost a year. I only hand my auto loan for about 4 months. Since then the have added like an extra 400 dollars to my auto loan. I am never late because they take automatic payments. I asked why have they been adding money and they say that they charge me interest every month on the loan. The loan was for 12,000. I thought that the interest was added at the beginning of the contract and that was all the interest I was being charged. My APR is 10%. Does anyone have any advice as to what I need to do? Anything would help! Thanks In Advance””

Have car that i filed bankruptcy on now the repo man is looking for it . what recorse does the bnk have?

What is the formula for estimating auto loan monthly payments with annual interest of 21%?

Did the government pass the new laws about having to pay back a portion of bankruptcy because they knew. . .?
that there were going to be be huge credit problems soon? (like now?)
Whats the best pokemon nature for a dragonite?
Im trying to figure out the best nature for a dragonite, i was gonna focus on the Sp attack and speed or maybe attack and sp attack not sure which T-T help please i just want a strong, perfect dragonite — — — oh and i heard about Ev training, and which pokemons should i train on to get sp attack ?””
Ok so I would like to find out my credit score?
Is there any way I can see my credit score for free?
What are walmart’s cash back daily limit ?

What does it mean Closed By consumer on a credit report?


“”Could I be approved for a 190,000 mortgage?””
My fiance and I are looking into buying a home..We will be first time home buyers..he makes around 50,000 a year. we have two car loans out owe around 16,000 no other debts. if we couldn’t get approved for that much how much do you think??? and do we need a down payment with a first time home buyer loan?””
If i cannot pay a payday loan what can they actually do ?
no money to pay them is the loan enforceable or do they have to go to court etc
Can i get a mortgage with bad credit and ccj history?
i have bad credit and have had a ccj within the last 12months will i ever be accepted for a mortgage?
How much will we get approved for a house with this income?
Husband and I are planning to get preapproved real soon. We have about 12,000 in debt from out car loan and a couple of credit cards. Credit score is in the low 700 and high 600s. Together we make about 50,000 a year .$20,000 saved and we live in south texas. What is an approximate home loan we may get?””
Should I file for bankruptcy?
I’m in a lot of financial debt, and I have lost my job. I am married, and right now my husband and I are getting about 800.00 a month from his job and that goes towards food, utilities and rent. I have quite a bit more of debt, and I don’t know what to do. I tried to do some payment arrangements, but I just can’t handle the payments. There is just so much debt I am completely overwhelmed. In this situation, should I file for bankruptcy? Or are there other options?””
I would like 2 find a Loan Shark?
I would like 2 find a loan shark urgent in my area, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. LU7 2NS in the UK, I no who they r and wot they do but need some money urgent.””
What are the different types of bankruptcy?
I know there is two types of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 and 13. What is the difference between the two?
Bankruptcy without a lawyer?
If I download the forms for bankruptcy how safe is it to file for bankruptcy on my own?
Can i refinance my car?
I bought a car with a loan for 5 years with Toyota Financial. It’s been 2 years of payments so far. When I financed the car I had a good credit score but a short credit history (been in the country for 3 years only) so I got a 7.9% interest rate. Can I call Toyota Financial and ask them to lower my interest rate? Instead of going through another lender and re-financing?
Does Anyone Know A PayDay Loan Service That Works When You Apply Online?

Can I get FHA loan if house does not have appliances?
I would like to get a FHA loan on a house without appliances, does the home need appliances for a FHA loan?””
“What to do when suffering from bad credit?

Can you only make principle payments and avoid paying interest on a home loan?
I had heard before from someone that you could ask for an amortization schedule and make a prepayment of the principle each month and avoid paying the interest for that month. Is that true? or how does that work?
Bankruptcy? Should I or should I not? Chapter 7 or 13?
I am 30yrs old and just became a Dad and had quite some time to think my financial situation. I am in about $50,000 in unsecured debt. I make about $1800 a month (after taxes). I have been paying all my credit cards (I have 7) on time but usually the minimum. Due to my credit score and the recession we are in, some of my interest rates have defaulted to the max and I am now struggling to keep up with the payments, but I have not missed a single payment yet. There are days where I lay in bed and think about my situation. I want to file bankruptcy so I can start fresh and be able to support my family without any worries. I have been reading countless articles on bankruptcy on the internet. Some say it is not a good idea and others say they have better credit scores after filing. Can anyone chime in that is in process or has filed bankruptcy before. Has it really helped? Were you still able to purchase car/home? How long did it take? I appreciate any response or guidance.””

Is there an income limit on 203k renovation mortgage loans?
I know theres limits on a regular FHA mortgage, was curious if the same standards apply.””

“”After filing chapter 7 bankruptcy, how long can I file adversary proceeding?
What is the status of limitation for filing adversary proceeding in bankruptcy? Is it 2years as for civil procedure?
Which bank in Malaysia offers the lowest interest rate for personal loan?
I don’t know how much I am eligible to loan — let just say RM30,000 with maximum years repayment? 10?””
Free Credit report with no need for credit card?
where can i get one without using a credit card


What are the consequences to bankruptcy?? I keep hearing the laws have changed…….?
I have been in debt since I was in High school and its fairly safe to say my plan to get out of debt is not working. I am 28 and I am trying to finish my last 2 years of college but my high debt is making almost impossible since I have to work full time. -My questions are: -How does this affect my current and future student loans? -Do you ever REALLY recover from bankruptcy?? -The consequences? Can someone help me with these questions or point me in the right direction? Thanks””

Hello I’m already approved for an auto loan but where can i get down payment assistance?

I am looking for someone to give me a auto loan!?
I guess I have not made myself clear! The reason I want to get this auto loan is to establish a credit history and a credit rateing above 0! I am willing to pay the intrest in order to improve my credit rateing

What is an escrow balance?
i recently baught a home and my monthly morgage statements has a principle balance and an escrow balace…. is it good to have a negative balance, positive, or 0.? please help. FIRST TIME BUYER!””
When can you file bankruptcy?
My parent’s friend did it…and no one will tell me why…what is it, when can you file for it and why does it clear away your problems””””???””””””
Looking for a loan with very bad credit?
I live in the uk, i have recently split from my ex and had to move back home, i was left with quite alot of debt after the split, which i have now cleared. but this has also left me with a very bad credit rating. i now have no debt at all, but i’m looking to get back on my feet. is there a lender out there which would lend me 5k no matter what?””

Where can i find a loan shark?
Ineed to find a loan shark in brisbane
How do I get a copy of my credit report?

What exactly does it take to get a credit card?
Okay my wallet got stolen and it had my drivers license in it, but not my SSN card, and i dont have any credit cards. Now people are telling me that if they look like me or get a fake license made with there picture with all my info including my drivers license number that they could get credit cards in my name. I just want to know what exactly can they do with this info? Thanks””

Where can i view my Credit score/report for free?
Is there a safe and secured site i can view my credit score/report daily and for free without paying monthly? b/c i think its dumb i have to pay $15/month on freecreditreport.com any help pls!!! thanks!!
Should I let the auto dealer put a lean on my house to get out of my auto loan?
I pay over $500.00 a month on my truck. I am 2 months behind on payments. I can no longer afford the payment and want out of my loan. I owe more on the loan than the truck is worth. SHould I let the dealer have the truck back and let them sell my truck for what they can and then let them put a lean on my house for the remaining balance? What other option do I have if this is not a good idea?
“What to do when suffering from bad credit?

