Charybde et Scylla, Ary Ernest Renan, 1894.


Between Scylla and Charybdis

Chapter One: The Choice


The tentacle wrapped around Kai’s stiff manhood and the gelatinous appendage gripping his throat meant the most important decision of his life was going to be made while he was both aroused and terrified.

Not that it much mattered. The choice he had been given was inexorably simple: which of these monstrosities would kill him here in the reeking underwater cave he’d awoken in. That one would mate with him first made no difference at all to the determination, only to the horror.

He hadn’t had the chance to sit up before the monsters were on him.

“Which shall it be?” asked the tentacle-woman again. The pulsing, squirming coral pink limb wrapped around his leg thickened closer to the woman’s body, and joined her bare human torso, close to seven others, all writhing even as they supported her on the stone floor of the cave. The tentacle squeezed him again.

“I-…where am I? What’s happening?” Kai asked, his skin cold with the seawater; his bones chilled by his terror. “I don’t want to die don’t kill me please don’t kill me-”

“Silence!” demanded the monster gripping his throat with what Kai would have assumed was a hand…



JK Mill
Exceptional Erotica

Erotica writer | Owner of Exceptional Erotica publication | Award winner | Request a custom story at