Solving Accountability and Motivation during your Fitness Journey through Fitbud

Kshitiz Jain
6 min readJan 27, 2023


What is Fitbud?

An app which is a comprehensive fitness tracking and social platform that allows users to track their progress, build accountability groups with friends, find workout buddies, and connect with a community through posts and stories.



Many individuals struggle with motivation and accountability when it comes to their fitness goals. They may lack the support and encouragement needed to stay on track, and fail to achieve their desired results. There might need a solution that can connect individuals with similar fitness goals and interests, and provide them with the support, encouragement, and accountability they need to stay active and healthy.

How I spotted this Problem?

As I was scrolling through my Twitter and Reddit feeds, I came across several posts from people who were looking for accountability groups or wanted to create one within their friends, but couldn’t find a solution. I felt their pain as I, too, had struggled with staying motivated and accountable when it came to my own fitness journey. Currently their status quo for this was creating reddit thread for the same.

Secondary Research

I conducted research by reading articles to gain a deeper understanding of the problem at hand and the challenges individuals face. Through my findings, I discovered that individuals who work out with a friend tend to exercise more frequently and with greater intensity. Additionally, lack of motivation and a lack of accountability were identified as the leading causes for individuals cancelling their gym memberships. Utilizing a fitness buddy can help establish a consistent workout routine.

User Survey

I conducted a user survey to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges individuals face when it comes to fitness. The survey revealed that:

  1. 38.7% of respondents reported going to the gym 3–4 times a week.
  2. 35.5% expressed interest in participating in group fitness activities, challenges, and events.
  3. 48.4% expressed interest in finding workout partners.
  4. The most commonly cited obstacle was a lack of motivation when working out alone.
  5. 30% of respondents deemed motivation and accountability as extremely important factors in their fitness journey.

Competitive Analysis

I then examined various fitness-related apps like, FatSecret, Fasting Tracker, etc. to identify patterns and determine if they effectively address the identified challenges.

There are few apps that solved the problem which includes Fitbit, Apple Health, Strava and MyFitnessPal.

Major Takeaways

  1. The anonymity of users in these apps is compromised as personal information may be shared with others.
  2. With a large community, the security of these apps may be compromised.
  3. The community feature in these apps may be difficult to locate and access.
  4. Some of these apps lack motivation and gamification, making it less likely for users to return.

Defining the Problem Statement


  1. Calorie tracking and calculation
  2. Group building and progress tracking among friends
  3. Workout buddy finding
  4. Community feature with photo and story sharing, and local connections.

Gamification Features

Streaks: A streak is established when you and a friend consistently post about healthy activities, such as going to the gym or eating nutritious meals.

Points: Points are earned for successfully completing daily goals, with a reward of 500 points and a penalty of 100 points for non-completion.

Leaderboard: A leaderboard ranks users based on their accumulated points.

Information Architecture

Visual Design


Style Guide

UI Design

Main Screen

Calendar and Notifications Tab

Community Screen


Find Fitbuddies

🚀 Final Design

Below is the final version of the app that I designed.

Here is the link to my file Figma File if you wanna have a closer look.😉

🤖 Prototype

Check out the App in action by clicking below of the embed of the Prototype of my final design. Expand the prototype for proper viewing or with this link- Fitbud App.

💝…And it’s a Wrap

Thanks for taking the time out and reaching the very end of my case study. If you have any feedback to give, please leave a comment and I will surely look into it.

Do feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn for any feedback or discussions! I’m currently open to opportunities as a Product Designer.

Check out my portfolio here.

Wanna do something amazing for me 👀. Press and hold the Clap icon 👏 and let the magic happen. 🪄

