Our Aussie Adventures

Jeffrey Larcombe
3 min readMar 26, 2017

When Mary met Mary continued . . . . .

Today, as I was looking at a plaque explaining something about a building, a woman who was standing there overheard me ask Mary a question and said: “I’m from here and can help you if you want.” We ended up talking on the sidewalk for over half an hour and learned much of the woman’s life story -born in England, her mother is still alive there at 101, she moved to Melbourne and taught one year, moved to Darwin and was posted to teach at Christmas Island for 3 years. Here name is Mary!

Mary told us she has no family here in Darwin and explained how she goes back to England quite often.

When Mary met Mary — an instant connection.

Mary (Duff) suggested to us that we take a tour of their new Parliament Building (opened in 1999). Sunday today — but open for visitors!!

Then Mary D. offered to go with us and take us on our own guided tour!! The front of the building is designed to withstand hurricane force winds.
We were able to see the Chamber where the politicians sit — note the alligator skin on the table — could not find out the significance of it being there!!
Was nice to see the Canadian flag hanging proudly amongst many other countries.
This is a special design of steel on the inside of the wall facing out to the harbour — reinforcing againt hurricance force winds.
Your turn — let’s play “Spot the Canadian Flag!!”
The Supreme Court House — which replaces the one that was destroyed by Hurricane Tracy in 1974. This is a new building completed in the past 20 years.

We sat down with Mary (D) and exchanged our addresses, phone numbers etc and parted with mixed emotions. We had just met a wonderful individual willing to give up her afternoon to strangers, and we became friends. We hope we meet again some day!

Tonight we walked (half an hour) to the new Casino. It is a beautiful large Casino built on a section of the Darwin Harbour. It has 600 slots and 5 restaurants. We had supper there and then played the slots (for 10 minutes!) In that 10 minutes I won $65.45 which I didn’t want to lose — so we then walked back home. Mary doesn’t want to say how much she “won.” Hope all are doing well — tomorrow we are going for lunch with a student who attended Brackendale Elementary when I was principal there some time ago. She is here cause she met up with an Aussie while he was in Canada!!!

