Black and Gold by Sam Sparro

JLD Music
2 min readApr 17, 2024

Instrumental — 9/10

Vocals — 10/10

Lyrics — 10/10

Overall Rating — 10/10

I absolutely love this track! It’s not my usual genre that I’d listen to. It’s interesting because I feel like vocals like Sparro’s wouldn’t usually coincide with a bass heavy dance instrumental like this, but it does beautifully.

​It was released on Sam Sparro’s self-titled debut album as track number two. It also reached number two in the Australian charts.

This track begins with a consistent, muffled bassline which then gets groovier when a drumbeat is added.

​Now, without researching this track, I’d have believed it to be about a song written for a partner, from the use of the metaphors (especially in the opening verse), and how nothing feels right when this person isn’t here. However, it’s a track about his belief in God, and whether he truly believes in God. In some ways, this makes some of the lines within this song make more sense, as there are some scientific references as well, showing the debate he is having in his mind.

​I think the chorus is interesting, as he uses the word, “matter”, for two different meanings. The first one being of importance, if God isn’t here then the stars above don’t mean anything. As a result of this, he is worried that the scientific side of this makes more sense, with reference to “matter”, in terms of atoms. However, no matter what, he will always want to believe in God and will want to be by his side.

​My favourite line from this track is:

“If the fish swam out of the ocean, and grew legs and they started walking”.

