What the heck does YYYM mean when your credit card is declined?

21 min readApr 2, 2019


What the heck does YYYM mean when your credit card is declined?

I’m not really one to trust Credit Cards, so I usually go around making cash payments instead. Yesterday however, I was convinced (pressured) by my family to get one, so I did. Today I decided to do some online shopping and then I suddenly got a message saying my card has been declined, with the message- D:DeclinedYYYM:” Can anyone fill me in on this?”

Answer : I would recommend you to try this website where you can get from different companies: https://tinyurl.com/yyuy23hr .

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“What the heck does YYYM mean when your credit card is declined?

I’m not really one to trust Credit Cards, so I usually go around making cash payments instead. Yesterday however, I was convinced (pressured) by my family to get one, so I did. Today I decided to do some online shopping and then I suddenly got a message saying my card has been declined, with the message- D:DeclinedYYYM:” Can anyone fill me in on this?”

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I am 18 years old and i am a part-time cashier at a grocery store. In September I will be going to school at the local community college. I want to know if I would be eligible for an auto loan Of about $4,000 with $1,000 down payment. “”
Are these pay day loan web sites safe?
My BF is out of work & I offered to get a loan for us in my name so we could afford a cheap car. My credit is bad. I’ve heard about Money Mutual & other pay day loan sites but I’m skittish. Any advice helpful thanks!
Can you return a car back to the dealership if they haven’t found a bank to finance the auto loan after 1 mo?
I no longer work and thought I could afford to make payments when I had a job. The dealership hasn’t found a bank to finance me because all the credit union that called me to verify credit and employment, I told them I was not employed (which is the truth). So the loans was denied. Can you return a car back to the dealership if they haven’t found a bank to finance the auto loan after 1 mo?””
Confused about mortgages and deposits?
Ok, so i done this online calculator thing and it said we could get a mortgage of 120,000 based on our incomes, deposit etc etc. We have 20,000 saved up for a deposit but what i don’t under stand is, if we took a mortgage out of 120,000 would the 20,000 deposit come off that so we have a mortgage of 100,000 …. OR …. Does it mean we have an extra 20,000 to play with for example buy a house for 140,000 take our deposit off and we’re left with the original 120,000 mortgage? I’m just so confused on how your deposit affects how much you can borrow etc :S We could have a deposit of 50,000 but still only be able to borrow 120,000 so i really don’t get it Thanks for any help and try not to make it to complicated ;)””
What do you need to have on your credit to be able to get a loan for a home?
I am 28 years old and have had a few credit cards for about 10 years. I always pay on time and pay the entire amount. Also, my employment history is consistent. However, that’s all that’s on my credit. I did not have student loans and I’ve never had a car loan. (I was fortunate to have had scholarships and been able to save up first and then buy a used car). Basically I don’t have any bad”””” marks but I don’t have any prior loans either. Assuming my income is high enough””
“What the heck does YYYM mean when your credit card is declined?

I’m not really one to trust Credit Cards, so I usually go around making cash payments instead. Yesterday however, I was convinced (pressured) by my family to get one, so I did. Today I decided to do some online shopping and then I suddenly got a message saying my card has been declined, with the message- D:DeclinedYYYM:” Can anyone fill me in on this?”

FAFSA / Credit Report.?
Out of curiosity, if you apply for fafsa and you get it, Say after 2 years I wanted to buy a condo only I still have 2 years LEFT to finish my BA. Will FAFSA show on my credit report if I apply for a mortgage? Reason im asking is if it does IM better off paying cash for every semester vs owing fafsa and getting denied for a home loan.””
Is First Mutual Advance Loan a scam?
I have been looking for work since the oil spill and my unemployment ran out months ago. Family and church has helped all they can but don’t have anymore to give. I will be living in a homeless shelter in a couple of weeks if I can’t find a job. Got email from First Mutual Advance offering 1500.00 advance with no checks into credit or employment etc. They are not on BBB site. Should I trust this or has anybody out there had any experience with them or know anyone who has?
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Random. But can it be done?

Is there a difference in getting a home loan through a local agent or online?
Does it make any difference if I was to use somebody local where I live, such as Bank of America or HNB Mortgage as opposed to firsttimehomebuyers.net, quicken loans, or ditech.com?””
Filing taxes for rental properties?
I own a home in Colorado, which is currently being rented. But, I live in Kansas. Do I have to file taxes in Colorado?””
Is 764 a Good Credit Score?
I’m 18 years old and opened a credit card a year ago. Since then, I have made my payments in full, on time. I checked online via Trans Union and it said my credit score is 764. Feedback?””

“”No of any payday loan branches around west seattle,or burien?””
i need cash today,i am trying to get a payday loan.i have everything i need for one,i just need a place close buy my house. between west seattle and burien””
Is freecreditreport.com a reputable website? I’m afraid to enter my personal info. Thanks in advance!?


Is there a possibility of renting an apartment with a bankruptcy ?
an apartment with a bankruptcy on credit report, or a mortgage?””

Has anyone used the company MMI (Money Management International) for debt consolidation?
I am looking into using this company to pay off some major credit card debt. Has anyone used this particular company? What was your experience with them? Would you recommend them? Was there a catch”””” or hidden cost or anything you ran into after you started working with them? Are you debt free now?””””””
How much should I expect to pay monthly on a mortgage plus property taxes?
Imagine as an example that the home is valued at $300,000 and my down payment is $30,000 (10%). What would the monthly mortgage payment plus (monthly) property taxes be? If the location would affect the property tax, then please answer with a range. Thanks.””
Low interest auto loan?
I’ve been trying to get a low interest auto loan to get a used car. I’m 21 and had open accounts that are never late for about 2 years but I guess that’s not enough yet. My bank, USAA approved me for a 9k auto loan at 7% apr but I wish I could get something better. Does anyone have any ideas about how I could get a better deal? Maybe at the dealership through their lenders? Or is the loan I got approved for the best I can get you think?””


Overprised Car!!!!!!!?
I currently have a 500 credit score rating and I am trying to clean up my credit. About 7mo’s ago I purchased a 1999 mercury sable. The car was sold to me at 3x the value ( I found out about that I left the lot). I want to eventually trade my car in but, I just found out that it will take years of me paying on the loan before I would be eligible for a loan with a decent interest rate. I don’t want this car for that long so what can I do to get outta this loan? How long do I need to pay on the loan before I can try to refinance? I have been paying on the car on time and plan to do so for as long as I have the loan. Please help.””
What is the website for once a year free credit reports from the 3 agencies?
I wish to pull up all three of my credit reports and I know that there is one site that allows you to pull up your complete credit report from all three reporting agencies and it is allowed just once a year for free. Please give me the exact site. Thanks!
Any free V.I.N # sites that I can use with out a credit card?
Free site to check my vin number? please help.car fax sucks
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
My husband and I are considering filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. We have debt we cannot pay back, 7 dependents, and numerous medical bills from when my son was born 2 months ago. I see chapter 7 bankruptcy is for liquidating assets. Other than our house, van, and furniture we have no other assets. Will we qualify for Chapter 7? Also, will we be able to keep our house if we can keep making payments on it?””
Payday loan?????? how many applications?

Is there any way to get out of Verizon debt(help)?
So I only have one unpaid thing affecting my credit and that’s this stupid verizon bill.Its close to $1000 and I don’t have the money to pay it.Its been almost two years now.I just want to know if there is anything I can do to get it off? I currently can’t get any credit card limit increases and probably won’t be able to get a loan for a car either.If I did settle with them how much would I have to pay and would paying it now increase my score?
Need to provide a credit report for an employer before an interview?
Thanks for applying. We’ve read over your resume and we’d like you to come in. First, we’re going to need a credit and background check. The BG check is done in person, but the credit report you can obtain yourself for free. Click here for the free credit report. Of course, this won’t hurt your score and we NEVER ask for any private information. But we do need the verification number to set you up for an interview. Obviously, we have a lot of private information lying around our office and these procedures are merely to help safeguard our business. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Once we receive the verification, we’ll set up a time and date. Feel free to call if you have any questions. _______________________________ So that was the reply that I received from an employer that I e-mail my resume to. The credit report website seems legit. http://webcreditsafety.com/about/?mn=528 I need some useful opinions :) Thank you!””
“What the heck does YYYM mean when your credit card is declined?

I’m not really one to trust Credit Cards, so I usually go around making cash payments instead. Yesterday however, I was convinced (pressured) by my family to get one, so I did. Today I decided to do some online shopping and then I suddenly got a message saying my card has been declined, with the message- D:DeclinedYYYM:” Can anyone fill me in on this?”

Have you ever got a loan when your credit history was poor?
thank you very much victoria, very helpful x””
Does getting your free credit report drop your score?

Will i qualify for auto loan ?
I purchased the house by Cash 2 years ago
Trying to get a home loan?
My husband and i are trying to get a home loan, he has poor credit and i have a score of 649. He def can’t get a loan so i’m thinking about applying by myself. The prob is…. I am a stay at home mom, my husband makes great money but has bad credit, i have decent credi but make no money, if i apply by myself can i put his income on the application? we also would only be putting around 10 grand down on a 190,000 house””
Where can I get bankruptcy filings?

What to do when suffering from bad credit?

“”Unfortunately, I fell between a rock and a hard place, I did the worse thing imaginable and took a payday lo?””
for $ 200 — my daughter is terminally ill and in August lost my job due to exhausting all of my FMLA — my credit is horrible — so it’s not a matter of fixing my credit at this point, I dont have any actual assets, don’t own a home, live with my parents so they can take care of my daughter with me ( single parent) and my car is worth nothing. I recognize the debt, however I dont feel the harrassment is necessary after researching this company online I have found them to be actual debt collection agencies somewhere down the line I am sure an actual attorney is attached to the company — however as I stated before the harrassment is not necessary. The payday loan company that I borrowed the money from — is now out of business so this company just bought my old debt. Thank you for your advice!!””
Is a credit score of 605 bad?

I need a payday loan but I only have a savings account to get the loan. Is there any good ones out there?

“”The Wheel of Fortune winner won $30,000 in a cash advance.”””” What do they mean by that? Why not just cash?””””


Has anyone tried Mortgage Watchdog or Mortgage Watchdog Pro?
<a href=http://www.nett-profit.com/app/?af... Watchdog</a>””””””
“”If I put 10,000 dollars in the bank, how much interest do I get in one month?

Is AnnualCreditReport.com legit?
Or is it a scam.
Can you get a car loan on a private sale?
my credit score is 706
Do I have to claim a Chapter 7 bankruptcy as income on my tax return?
I had to file Chapter 7 in 2007. Most of the percentage of what I filed was penalties on credit cards, therefore what I actually owed, was significantly less than what I filed on. On my income tax return this year, do I have to claim the chapter 7 bankruptcy total as income for 2007? I hope not! Thanks for any help with this!””
What does it mean when the property is appraised higher than we originally thought?
We are purchasing a manufactured home and are putting our 2 acres (subdivision) up for collateral. The salesman told us that the appraisal needed to come back at around 72,000 but it turned out that it was appraised for 90,000. What does that mean exactly? Will my mortgage payments be higher or lower?””
What is the best way to elliminate discrepancies on my credit report and raise my fico score?
I have issues with things on my credit report that are more than 7 years old and are negative.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
I’m through 1 year of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy — which includes my car payment — I would like to get a different car — is there any dealers that will finance a car through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Does a membership to a porn site show up on a credit report?
i’m trying to build my credit. I took out a credit building loan. But i wanted to know if having a monthly bill from a porn site will help improve my credit score
My sister is declaring bankruptcy?
she has been laid off for a year…her and her family has been struggling financially and was told that she can take out of her pension early to help get by..will that hurt in the bankruptcy proceedings? Will they reject the bankruptcy or somehow try to take money even if it’s not kept in an account?
Has anyone tried freecreditreport.com?
Just wondering if they are legit or if they will steal my personal info or sell it.
“”I see deferred interest on my mortgage statement and it keeps getting higher, what exactly does this mean ?

What kind of formula to figure interest compounded weekly?
If a loan shark loaned $100 at 2% compounded weekly, how do you figure out how much interest on the loan after 3 years?””
I owe money to an adult webcam show site that was charged to my prepaid wal mart debit card?
The site attempted to charge 35 dollars for shows I previously viewed, but all attempts were declined due to the fact I had no money left on my debit card at the time. This was about 6 months ago and the debt is still unpaid. I have yet to hear anything from the site and my question is will this somehow adversely affect my credit? The site doesn’t have my social security number but the wal mart debit card has that information. And I also did not use my actual name or email address on the account. The only valid information I gave was my prepaid wal mart debit card number. Help would be greatly appreciated.””
“What the heck does YYYM mean when your credit card is declined?

I’m not really one to trust Credit Cards, so I usually go around making cash payments instead. Yesterday however, I was convinced (pressured) by my family to get one, so I did. Today I decided to do some online shopping and then I suddenly got a message saying my card has been declined, with the message- D:DeclinedYYYM:” Can anyone fill me in on this?”

