Here’s a good Vue(.js)

Joleen Francia
3 min readJan 26, 2020


Growing up I was heavily influenced by the online community of Nexopia. This was an online site where you can talk to people online and create blog posts of absolutely anything, but it wasn’t just those aspects that really caught my interest. It was the fact that you were able to customize your profile page with just HTML language. I was amazed at just what those lines of code could create and tried my own hand at creating my own layouts. Mind you, it was very difficult for me as I never fully understood at that time what everything meant, but I had just gone along with the flow of it all. Throughout the years my interest in web development has increased and has even evolved to also include an interest in user interface design. It is from this that I began my research.

Photo by Vishnu R Nair on Unsplash

The variety of software technologies ranging from server-side web frameworks to front-end java frameworks that are being used and created for web development has been rising over the last few years. During my research I have stumbled upon quite a few different java frameworks that were very popular not only for recreational use, but the overall industry of software development. There were quite a few job postings that had mentioned a requirement in the knowledge of either React, Angular or Vue.js. Out of the 3 I chose Vue.js because of the uprising popularity pertaining this certain framework, and this is where my journey to learning Vue.js begins.

As mentioned before, Vue.js is a java framework, and as said by the owner of Vue, Evan You, in this article

“Vue.js is a more flexible, less opinionated solution (than Angular). That allows you to structure your app the way you want it to be, instead of being forced to do everything the Angular way. It’s only an interface layer so you can use it as a light feature in pages instead of a full-blown spa.”

This why I also believe Vue.js to be very progressive. This means if you have a server-side application that you would like to create an upscale and interactive user interface for then it is very easily done. The only thing that needs to be done is to implement Vue.js into any chosen application and as said on their website

“Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.”

Also, as mentioned in that quote since it is only an interface layer the overall framework of it is very lightweight which benefits things such as conversions, loading times of certain things and etc.

The core library of this framework mostly focuses on the view layer only, but it also allows the integration to other libraries or any existing projects. Not to say you must use an already created server-side application. Vue.js has an adoptable ecosystem that allows others to be able to create user interfaces from the ground up, which allows versatility. This versatility allows ease of use for most people who are just starting of with learning how to use java frameworks to create new projects or how to integrate it into existing ones.

Photo by Eftakher Alam on Unsplash

Compared to the two other java frameworks that I had mentioned earlier (Angular and React), I believe that not only is Vue.js easy to use, but it also easier to learn. It is said that Vue.js is a mix of HTML, CSS and Javascript, and if you have had some experience with those 3 then it is a lot easier to pick up. Since I have had some experience with those 3 I am excited to go forth and learn more about this framework and what I can create to be able to show you guys in the near future!



Joleen Francia

Software Development student trying to find her way around this big world of SD