TADHack Global 2017 Live on Youtube in Brisbane — Interviews, Pitches and Prizes

Jason Lowe
6 min readSep 26, 2017


I’ll do a retrospective soon but I wanted to publish some of the footage from the weekend as soon as I could.

Here’s what’s happened. It was always going to happen that we would publish a live stream of the event to Youtube. Last year when we ran it up at the Oracle office in Brisbane, the two live streams were on permanently capturing the whole event. This year, we thought:

Why not put something on the stream so people can watch? Let’s interview a few people and see what happens? Let’s make it relevant to Telecoms. Let’s talk to some interesting people and not even about the tech. Let’s talk to everyone.

We decided to put on a set of interviews as part of the event. And through the massive efforts of connectors through QUTfoundry and muru-D, we got some interesting people and organisations to sign-in for an interview. The one thing that I found was that people instantly said YES!!!. Everyone welcomed the opportunity to come along. It’s not something that I’ve done before so I reached out to Chris Titley to help out. And YES!!! (if he could have unfortunately he wasn’t available due to personal commitments hence I stepped in).

And the AV team at QUT said, “Whatever you want — we can do it”. Ok … nice … We had some people that couldn’t join us. So we got on zoom to get them involved. So we had people from Germany, Sydney and Adelaide.

Once the set-up got going on Friday last week, I saw what it’d be like — fantastic. The whole stage got a make-over — couches, tables, banners for signage and flowers (did they look real?). And we were ready to roll.

After we kicked-off the event and people formed teams and teams formed ideas and ideas turned into execution, we got ready for the interviews. Both Angela and Graham from QUT Foundry were there for the first interview of the day. We were all new to this. It’s live … anything could / would / did happen. And we kicked it off.

Welcome to TADHack Global 2017 Live from QUT sponsored by …

As speaker after speaker came through primarily from the different schools and QUT related connections, it wasn’t long that 1 interview turned into 6 interviews by the end of Saturday.

And then Sunday came and we did it again. We changed tact a little and we started with a conference with Julie Trell — Head of muru-D. And from there, we branched out to a group of great startups eventually 5 interviews were done.

It was a chance to learn, listen and share these stories to a global audience. It was a chance to create some interest in what people were doing and engage. And that’s why we ultimately did it.

Here are all of the interviews and pitches from TADHack Global 2017 in Brisbane. There’s more to come in terms of interviews and others that couldn’t make the event. We’ll continue to get out there. In some shape or form to tell their story.

Interviews on Saturday (23/Sept)

QUT Foundry — http://bit.ly/2hxBMfx

Introductions and who are they? Speaking with Angela Dahlke and Graham Fellows, the community managers of QUT Foundry.

Web-Site: https://www.twitter.com/qutfoundry
Contacts: Graham Fellows and Angela Dahlke

Trumbull Unmanned —http://bit.ly/2hwht5L

They are out here as part of Advanced QLD program HotDesQ. Trumbull Unmanned safely integrates and flies drones in challenging and austere environments to collect and analyze data.

Web-Site: http://www.trumbullunmanned.com

Marisa Emerson — http://bit.ly/2fp386D

Zero Day Solutions — They are a Brisbane based cybersecurity company. We are computer security researchers who focus on long-term security strategies for our clients.

Web-Site: https://zerodaysolutions.net/

Dr Monique Mann (QUT School of Justice) — http://bit.ly/2xE3EHL

Dr Monique Mann is a lecturer at the School of Justice, and a member of the Crime and Justice Research Centre (CJRC) and the Intellectual Property and Innovation Law (IPIL) Research Group, in the Faculty of Law at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Monique is advancing a program of socio-legal research on the intersecting topics of police technology, transnational policing and surveillance.

Web-Site: http://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/mannm3/

Dr Matthew Rimmer (QUT Faculty of Law) — http://bit.ly/2wVeKVh

Dr Matthew Rimmer is a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He is a leader of the QUT Intellectual Property and Innovation Law research program, and a member of the QUT Digital Media Research Centre (QUT DMRC) the QUT Australian Centre for Health Law Research (QUT ACHLR), and the QUT International Law and Global Governance Research Program. Rimmer has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, intellectual property and climate change, and Indigenous Intellectual Property.

Web-Site: http://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/rimmer/

Kara Burns — http://bit.ly/2fPG6GC

Kara Burns has just finished a PhD Candidate investigating the role of the patient generated health data and its effect on patient engagement and reflecting the patient experience. Why patient engagement? Apart from being dubbed the ‘blockbuster drug of the century’ research shows that engaged patients are cheaper for the health system and have better health outcomes.

Contact: Kara Burns

Prof Rafael Gomez — http://bit.ly/2fpKZWA

Prof Rafael Gomez (GER) is co-leader of the Design Fabrication Theme for the QUT Design Lab and is a prominent researcher in the field of emotional experience, wearable tech and 3D printing. He is also coordinator of second year Industrial Design, School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty at QUT.

Web-Site: http://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/gomezr/

Interviews on Sunday (24/Sept)

muru-D — http://bit.ly/2wSVegU

Introductions and who are they? Speaking with Julie Trell, the CEO of muru-D.

Web-Site: https://muru-d.com/
Contact: muru-D

SiteSee HQ — http://bit.ly/2htE6aT

SiteSee’s web accessible software as a service (SaaS) enables clients to remotely visualise and analyse their critical infrastructure within an interactive real-world environment. Make informed decisions, reduce costs and improve safety by accurately understanding the true condition of your infrastructure without leaving the office.

Web-Site: http://www.sitesee.com.au/

Travello App — http://bit.ly/2fOWAyQ

Travello App was the brainchild of two avid travellers, Ryan and Mark. They noticed there was no efficient way for travellers to connect with other travellers when they arrived at a destination. And also no way to communicate with travellers in the location they were heading to. Facebook just wasn’t cutting it!

Web-Site: http://www.travelloapp.com

S-Network Group — http://bit.ly/2fxzMa7

S-Network Group is a social network application brought to life by Michael Hogan and Tim Yigitbas to solve the connecting of students for students by students. Another one — Facebook just wasn’t cutting it.

Web-Site: https://twitter.com/snetworkgroup

Flurosat — http://bit.ly/2xvoKc5

FluroSat combines state-of-the-art remote sensing technology and sophisticated analysis pipelines to provide solutions to compelling problems of modern crop production, such as stress identification, efficient resource inputs and maintenance of yield.

Web-Site: https://www.flurosat.com/

Here are some of the photos from the couch.

These photos were obtained from public sources.

It was a lot of fun to do and worthwhile to bring to everyone.

While this was great and fantastic for everyone to be involved in. It was really the passion of the hackers next door that then took the stage.

To kick it off, we last year’s winner Jaimyn Mayer pitching from LAX airport. Yep. #LAX airport. Jaimyn was coming back from another hackathon in Canada #HackTheNorth. We were able to Jaimyn on conference and did what we could. Here’s his clip — http://bit.ly/2wjGinX

We also had a few teams presenting as well locally at QUT. See them here (uncut and raw) — http://bit.ly/2ys8hCt

We finally had the winning presentations. It was tough. I think I heard yelling, screaming, chairs being thrown — all sorts of mayhem — from the judges. And the winners were … http://bit.ly/2yFB7jK

Well done to everyone — participants, guests, organisers, everyone … Let us know what you think … we want this to be bigger and better next time.



Jason Lowe

it takes a village to grow. community, friends and family are important to me. and even working for Oracle, I still have my own views and beliefs.