The Wallace Collection, London's Hidden Gem; A Roaming with Rulers Story

Lisa Gold
4 min readJun 2, 2024

What exactly makes up a “Collection”? How many stamps, coins, antique hair pins does one need to be a “Collector”? Should the coins only be antiques, or should they only be foreign currency? Both? These thoughts kept me company as I walked the charming streets of London on my way to The Wallace Collection.

I’m still trying to figure out how I had never heard of The Wallace Collection until last month. I had been to London on 6 occasions, not including a semester during college. Many museums in London are ones that I’ve been to at least once, and several of them multiple times. When I found myself browsing the eclectic selection at Mark Sullivan Antiques on Cecil Court in London, the knowledgeable and dapper-dressed sales associate, David, remarked on my love for miniature portraits. This after talking about my recent visit to the National Portrait Gallery just down the road.

“So you must love visiting the Wallace Collection then?” David asked with conspiratorial delight. One portrait lover to the other.

“The what?” was my lame response. Surely I misheard him.

David exploded with enthusiasm often reserved for someone who delights in sharing truly hidden gems, “The Wallace Collection! You can’t love antique portraits and not stop in!”

After explaining where it was located, and assuring me there would be no crowds (unlike the morning spent at The British Museum) I knew I had to scrap my…



Lisa Gold

After a career in Architectural design for retailers and hospitality companies, it’s time to start roaming with my ruler, and swapping plans for passports