How to buy Goerli ETH(GETH) step-by-step?

5 min readJun 3, 2023


Today, we will give you a detailed introduction on how to purchase test coins on Goerli test network.

Firstly, all the free faucets for Goerli on the internet have been exhausted, and the few remaining ones only provide enough for one “approve” per day, which is barely sufficient for use.

Therefore, finding a long-term, stable, and reliable platform to buy Goerli test coins is very meaningful for those who want to participate in various testnet airdrop projects and for the vast number of developers.

Goerli faucet failed

Some people may want to say that LayerZero can buy test coins

I think LayerZero’s platform is inconvenient and has major issues for most people. Here are some of the issues I’ve listed:

  1. op network always error

2. arb network error too

3. eth-mainnet: Not to mention the gas fees on the eth-mainnet, which are too high. Is it worth spending 30$ gas fees just to buy a $1 goerli eth?

4. Layerzero’s gas fees were once extremely high, even reaching over 20u at one point. At the time, the community was looking for a platform to replace Layerzero for purchasing test coins. Finally, everyone found FaucetDAO, and the FaucetDAO team promised that cross-bridge fees would always be significantly lower than Layerzero’s. When Layerzero was at 20u, FaucetDAO was only a little over 4u.

You can find the specific information about the last event in this tweet.

layerzero sometimes high gas

Therefore, all things considered, it’s still better to switch to a different platform for buying test coins.

Method for purchasing Goerli ETH using FaucetDAO.

I stumbled upon a team called FaucetDAO on Twitter who have come up with a decentralized method for purchasing test coins, which is great news for us developers and enthusiasts. Many of my friends also lack test coins, so I am writing a tutorial here to teach everyone how to buy test coins on a decentralized exchange.

Here is the project’s Twitter and navigation page:

First, let me briefly introduce the process, and then explain each step in detail:

  1. Purchase Matic and withdraw it to the Polygon blockchain.
  2. Exchange Matic for FDT tokens (available on ).
  3. Use the FaucetDAO bridge to transfer FDT to the Goerli testnet, paying a small cross-bridge fee. The FaucetDAO team promises that their cross-bridge fees are the lowest in the market, making it more affordable to use their bridge.
  4. Wait for about 15 minutes. FaucetDAO will automatically exchange the FDT you purchased for an equivalent amount of Goerli ETH and send it to your address via the pool contract address. This method of purchasing test coins through the bridge will not be considered a “witch attack,” so users who have participated in airdrops can rest assured. You can find the relevant transaction records in the “Internal Transactions” section of the blockchain explorer.

Detailed Steps

1) Open FaucetDAO’s Swap page or Uniswap

FaucetDAO website:

**Faucet Dao**Swap or provide liquidity on the Faucet Dao

2) Switch to the Polygon blockchain

3) Buy FDT tokens. Here is the Polygon contract address for FDT (0x034f5bEc23a65a80dFd3A5A91dffa88274E9aB24)


Click “Select Token.”

Select FDT. If purchasing on Uniswap, enter the FDT contract address and select FDT.

Next, you can purchase FDT using any token on Polygon, but it is recommended to use Matic directly. Click on “SWAP.”

Now, i get 19320+ FDT tokens. Next step.

4) Use FaucetDAO’s bridge to transfer FDT to Goerli testnet

Switch to the FaucetDAO bridge page, select the appropriate amount of FDT, click the “Bridge&Swap to Goerli” button, and pay the Matic cross-bridge fee. Currently, the cross-bridge fee is only 0.07 Matic, which is really cheap.

If it is your first time using the bridge, you may need to authorize the FDT tokens. This authorization only grants permission to use your FDT tokens and the project is still considered safe, with all code verified on the blockchain.

5)Switch to the Goerli blockchain and wait for 10–15 minutes for the cross-bridge transfer to complete.

change to goerli network

6) FaucetDAO will automatically send the Goerli-ETH test coins to your wallet address. You just need to check your wallet to see if you have received the test coins. It’s very convenient and simple.

If you want to check your test coin transaction records, you can directly view them by clicking “Internal Transactions” on the Goerli blockchain explorer

That’s all there is to it. As developers, we must be aware of potential risks and should save up some test coins in case of emergencies.

For those who participate in airdrops, using FaucetDAO is very convenient. Not only are the bridge fees extremely low, but it also avoids the risk of being flagged by the “witch attack” when performing batch script operations. It is truly a blessing for users who need test coins!

In summary, to buy Goerli-ETH test coins, go to

