Affiliate Marketing for beginners:5 Things To Know Before Choosing An opportunity.

Joe Marijani
3 min readOct 9, 2019


Wondering on how to start an online business? Affiliate Marketing is highly recommended by Most online Entrepreneurs for beginners to start with.

Hi, My name is Joe Marijani and in this article we will going to cover, Affiliate Marketing for beginners: and things to know before choosing An opportunity.

What is affiliate Marketing?

This is one of online business models whereby, you get paid a commission Through Promoting other peoples products and services. There are various companies that have affiliate programs and allow affiliate marketers to sign-up and promote their products.

When you just get started, picking the right affiliate program may save you a lot of time and Money. So in this article I’ll be covering five things to consider before making decision to promote or refers any product or service to the customers.

What Are The Top Five (5) things to know Before Choosing An Opportunity

  1. Product Value.

Is the product worth sharing? this is one of the things that you need to ask yourself. As a marketer you got to conduct a little bit of a research to find out if the products your promoting will be valuable to the customers, otherwise they may end up asking for a refund which may led to you loosing Money, Time and reputation.


This is another thing to counter check, if the product will Make you a reasonable or high profit rather than require you to sell a lot of them.

3. Tracking.

Not all affiliate programs are created Equally. In this you will check if the company has a solid tracking link in the back office that shows stats of every single sale that comes from your efforts and commission that you going to be paid.

Also If you may be able to make commission when the customer will buy other products after the first sale being made.

As an affiliate Marketer you need to find an opportunity that will pay you commission with all single sales that a company made over and over via your link.

4.Marketing Materials

Without good marketing materials it will make hard for you as an affiliate marketer to convince your customers. You may need to check if the company that your partner with, use tools like Sales Funnel,Sales Team and Sales Video, or if they use Webinars and Events to help you being able to convert more.


This is very crucial when it comes to online Business,as an affiliate you have to put in Mind that, not every one online have the best interest about you, so you have to be careful and research,if the company that your promoting have good reputation, pays people on time, or if actually have physical office or address, because Neglecting this may cause you to loose money and never be able to get back hence harm your business. As you know when you are starting Every dollar count.

So its my hope this article will be valuable to you and if you may want to know more about Affiliate Marketing and how it work,be sure to check out my previous article.

